I have located 4 buick v6 raw crank forgings,I have to purchase all four to get one,they will be in the 1300.00 range once they are finished,is there any serious interest in these?Jim
In the "FWIW dept,I too had some forgings done to finished condition and found that they were roughed to the following specs.
2 were 3.625 stroke w/ Chebby rod journal size. [given the problems w/ getting brgs for these engines, it's a good deal]
1 was 3.590 stroke w/ Buick rods.
I had near what you are talking of in them.
I'd suggest you ask first as to what they will finish up at, how they will be heat treated, how they will be drilled for oiling. [Some are drilled w/ dry sump in mind]
ALSO: BEWARE that they could be Indy cranks and are useless in anything except those engines. They have short noses and short strokes. [like alot of us suffer from!!]