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Curless Auto

Active Member
Oct 2, 2013
For years I have watched these cars come and go... always wishing but never being able to pull the trigger. Now I have the means to pull the trigger but have not run into the correct car. Just out of curiosity, how long did some of you wait to find "the one"? Or, due to the fact that these cars are all in pretty nice shape did you just grab one and go from there?
Here's my story , about 1-1/2 years ago a TB friend gave me a heads up on an X possibly going to be for sale near me . I had him get me the contact info for the guy . When I first talked to him he was very back and forth about selling it , but felt he should as he was 65 years old and had his fun with it , and if something happened to him , to not leave the burden on his family members of what to do with the car . This was Nov 14 , and after numerous phone conversations , he invited down to see it , regardless at that time I was not ready to act if he was to sell . I kept in contact with him frequently .This went on from Nov 14 to maybe April 15 .
Soon after the holidays , 2015 , I was ready to pull the trigger on an X , and approached him more seriously about his intentions with the car as I was a ready buyer if he was to sell . But , he was for a few weeks , was very reluctant about pulling the trigger himself .
So with that , I went and looked at 2 more to possibly buy , and both of them were not in my criteria of condition , not price , but condition , so I passed .
Not to get off track , but let this be a searching lesson for you , one of them was said HERE by at least 4 or 5 members to be the best thing since sliced bread , blah , blah , blah . As well as the seller putting it up on a high average . O.K , I was convinced , I drove 577 miles , 9 hours , to basically go buy it(money in my truck and all) , only to get there and have it be way over described by my standards . What a big let down !!!!!! Only to return home and the very next day , have the 65 year old guy , local one , 30 minutes from me , tell me his number and he was ready to sell !!!!!!
So the lesson I will live by , I don't care WHO tells me how nice something is , go se it for yourself before you buy it !!!!!!
So to answer your initial question , I guess it took me three to go look at , in about a 3 month span to finally own one . But I did search Ebay , TurboBuick , Carsonline , Hemmings , etc , etc dam near daily to see if any new ones popped up for sale .
Even since then I still pay attention to ones that come up for sale , and can honestly say , nothing yet has been attractive and comparable ( condition and price ) that I would have bought over the one I did buy .
What you have working against you now , is since the Toy Barn 362 X hammered for $150k at Barret-Jackson Palm Beach , and the 12 mile X from Mecum sell for $140k , now the lesser $$$$$$ , more miles GNX's are being asked higher than average as they were 1-2 years ago . Don't settle , be patient , keep on the lookout , and if one pops up in your criteria , don't hesitate , either get it done or pass .

Hope this helps , good luck with your search .
Thanks for your reply... I know all too well about other's ideas of condition. My issue is one of responsibility now... I have a decent amount of cash saved up, the smart guy pays his house off... but I have this need!
Are you looking for a collector or a driver? Are you dead set on a GNX?

GNX for sure, as for the collector or driver.... yes. I intend to drive the one I buy. I'm not worried about what it will or will not be worth because when I have to sell it, I will be too old or in bad health so it won't matter.
Ive been browsing for gnx. I dont think ill pull the trigger until i figure out where ill keep it.

Everything ive seen is overpriced. Im looking for driver quality at a decent price.
Headed to look at another one on Saturday... a bit out of my budget but you know how seeing things can change your budget.
Tomorrow we look... nervous and excited all at the same time. Had a call from another X owner about another one to look at as well...
Well, went to see a potential addition to the family... Very nice car, only issues were typical ones. No jacket, headliner, sunvisors, cracked dash.... now if we can come to an agreement...
I was interested in them when they first came out in 1987 after reading an article in the auto section of the Chicago Tribune. I wasn't about to pay way over sticker at that time to get one so I waited until the bug hit me again in 1996. I purchased the second one I looked at that had 7,500 miles and the timing was right. Out the door with my trade, a 1989 Mercury Cougar XR7 with the supercharged engine and sales tax was approximately $24,000. I know I would have a more difficult time picking one up today with the current prices. Good luck in your hunt for an X.
I was interested in them when they first came out in 1987 after reading an article in the auto section of the Chicago Tribune. I wasn't about to pay way over sticker at that time to get one so I waited until the bug hit me again in 1996. I purchased the second one I looked at that had 7,500 miles and the timing was right. Out the door with my trade, a 1989 Mercury Cougar XR7 with the supercharged engine and sales tax was approximately $24,000. I know I would have a more difficult time picking one up today with the current prices. Good luck in your hunt for an X.

Yup , unfortunately they are expensive now , if you search hard you can find them , then it is a matter of getting one in decent condition and a decent price . You have to weed thru them to take them off your search list as a result off being priced to high or condition not up to par . I am seeing a lot of them over priced since the recent Palm Beach BJ $150k sale , and the Mecum $140k .
Also , finding an X with all the documents , jacket , book , window sticker , ASC paperwork , all adds to value of a car ,........ or takes value away depending on whats missing . Hopefully he can do one stop shopping !!!!!!
Again , good luck Curless !!!!!!
I was interested in them when they first came out in 1987 after reading an article in the auto section of the Chicago Tribune. I wasn't about to pay way over sticker at that time to get one so I waited until the bug hit me again in 1996. I purchased the second one I looked at that had 7,500 miles and the timing was right. Out the door with my trade, a 1989 Mercury Cougar XR7 with the supercharged engine and sales tax was approximately $24,000. I know I would have a more difficult time picking one up today with the current prices. Good luck in your hunt for an X.

$24k for that GNX? Wow how the times have changed for the better for you if you ever decide to sell it. Great story....
The X that I passed on was in 2003 , it had 9k orig miles , for $28,500 . 2005 came and the prices have been up since .