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Storing outside during the winter months?


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Not so Senior Member
Mar 8, 2009
What do you guys recommend? My car is t-tops that don't seal real well at the windows. Should I just through a cover on her and call it a day?
I would get the best all weather car cover you can and then I would add a good tarp to put over it. If you plan to start the car once in a while it will be a pain but worth it to preserve your car the best you can. Otherwise pull the battery and make sure all the fluids are set for winter. Plenty of stable etc in the fuel and when you add it make sure the car runs long enough to circulate it through the entire fuel system. Fill the car with gas so you can prevent moisture building in the tank. Maybe some moth balls just in case but if outside probably not needed. I would put a box of baking soda in the car to help with moisture.
A tarp would trap moisture. I remember a guy before said to use a high quality indoor thick car cover and then a outdoor cover over that. He said the indoor thick will help prevent minor dings and still breathe and the outer cover will prevent rain and snow from getting in and still breathe. Inside the car you will have to use sometime ot keep the critters out like moth balls or something else that doesn't smell to bad to you.
A good outdoor breathable car cover and buy a hundred dollar tent from Harbor freight with the roll down sides. That will keep the snow and rain off it. The only problem is animals. Dont forget the bounce dryer sheets in the car. They keep the mice away. Put them everywhere Including under the hood around wiring and around intake
One winter I had to store the GN outside. I used a California Car Cover for outdoor use, 'water repellent'. After a few snowfalls/melt cycles
the cover got soaking wet. Next cold spell and the cover froze onto the paint! :eek: Don't let this happen to your car!
Jason, make sure the hole that speedo cable comes into the car along with all other holes into the cabin is taped shut with Gorilla tape or something strong. Mice will find any little opening and get inside the car and nest!!!

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whats is a good car cover brand? How much should you be looking to spend?
Dude can i ask why?
That car is too nice to b left outside..
I wouldnt just b worried about the weather,

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Dude can i ask why?
That car is too nice to b left outside..
I wouldnt just b worried about the weather,

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app

I'm moving. Staying at a buddies til I get my next place lined up, and he doesn't have garage space. I was going to store it at my parents, and they got about zero traffic past their house, so I'm not too worried about theft. That being said I'm pretty sure I'm going to kick my mom's car out of the garage and park it inside instead.
It wouldn't hurt to have fire and theft or ( storage insurance on the car) while you have it stored away. I pay around 200 bux on my GN full coverage for the whole year ( not 6 months policy) car valued at 25K. It's well worth it as far as peace of mind!

It wouldn't hurt to have fire and theft or ( storage insurance on the car) while you have it stored away. I pay around 200 bux on my GN full coverage for the whole year ( not 6 months policy) car valued at 25K. It's well worth it as far as peace of mind!


I also pay around $200 for full year coverage. It's good stuff! They would need an appraisal at anything past 25k, so I think we have the same insurance.
Regarding mice, moth balls, dryer sheets etc. do not work. I had snowmobiles stored outside and the mice didn't care what I put under the covers.
I now have mouse traps in my boat and around my garages inside and out. (You can get mice inside the garage too).
I suggest putting traps under the hood of the car and check them periodically for kills as well as re-bait with fresh food.
You can put them under the car too but outside you could get birds and ground squirrels in addition to mice.
I cut up a windshield washer bottle and put that over the trap, cut a hole for the mouse and put a weight on the top to keep it from blowing off.

If I had to keep a car outside, I'd do the portable tent thing. I don't know how those hold up in wind though.
Plastic covers are bad news to the paint because they trap moisture. The moisture will get under the paint and lift it.
I would not start the car periodically unless you run it until completely warmed up and then some. You will get an accumulation of moisture in the oil.
I did this to a min van I was getting around to fixing and after awhile my oil looked like chocolate milk. If you can, leave it sit or drive it
for at least 15-20 minutes.
If you are going to Harbor Freight for the tent, get a float charger. I have several and they seem to work great.
Even a disconnected battery will drain down over time. If you don't want to float charge it, charge it up at least once a month.
I'm moving. Staying at a buddies til I get my next place lined up, and he doesn't have garage space. I was going to store it at my parents, and they got about zero traffic past their house, so I'm not too worried about theft. That being said I'm pretty sure I'm going to kick my mom's car out of the garage and park it inside instead.

Is a $100 10x20 storage unit for the 4 months out of the question?
That would really be my first choice.

T-tops cars especially - but in general - a bad way to go to keep it outside in the elements.
And X2 on the tarp.
They are ok for the occasional rain, but not long term.