Ever since I got my new MAF, the car is running better than it ever has. I was never able to stay in the throttle for long because it would seem to fall on its face. I always thought it was bad valve springs or maybe a clogged exhaust. Now I can go WOT and stay there for the first time. But Ive noticed that the car pulls harder at 16-18psi than it does at 23. Ill tune it so the o2s are good with either boost level, and Ive got alky spraying the same at both boost levels. So I dont know what the deal is. I can get low 800's, high 700's just fine with 23psi and no knock. If I tune the same with 16-18psi, the car pulls like a freight train. The other way, it tears the tires loose than just feels flat even though my o2s show no sign of going lean and no knock. Think maybe the springs are bad and maybe the extra boost is cracking the valves off their seats? It looks like they have LT1 springs but the car did sit for 4 years before I bought it, so it probably had a few springs being compressed for 4 years.