Supercharger + propane = blowing up intake welds?


New Member
May 10, 2005
I want to say "hello." Long time reader, first time poster. I sent this letter to Import Power Online:

I was considering using your propane kit for a supercharged application. I looked up the MSDS material on propane. I can see that the auto-ignition temperature of propane is much higher than my intake temperature will ever see, by about a factor of 4 or 5 times. I plan on hooking up the propane injector nozzle to the intake plenum at a point that is after the air flows through the supercharger, but just beneath it. Some of my friends said I should be concerned with possibly sucking some of the propane back up into the supercharger. I do have a boost bypass solenoid which opens up and evens out the manifold pressure in the plenum and before the supercharger gears. This opens as soon as I take my foot off of the gas and vacuum is present before the supercharger gears, after the throttle body. So my question to you is, have you had any previous customer use a propane injection kit on a non-intercooled supercharged application? Also, have you had any reported problems where some explodes their intake manifold or something crazy as a result of a condition similar to what I described where propane flowed through the supercharger?

I do realize this kit is meant for off-road purposes. I do all my own work and have broken many parts on my car. I’m not looking for you guys to tell me that everything is all right so I can blame you guys if something goes wrong. I just want the truth with your experiences thus far.
Thanks guys.
Scott G

Maybe you guys can answer the question for me though. If you couldn't tell by the email, it is a roots style blower mounted right to the plenum. Have any of you heard of problems with a setup like this using propane? I still have to drill and tap the hole for my air temp sensor, but I've been told by the L67 guys that temps peak out around 300F at the worst. The auto ignition temp for propane is 874F. I have no idea what any mount of propane, large or small, going through the blower would do though. I would geuss nothing, but i'm still green in this area. Any input?

I know most of you would suggest meth, but I would like to try propane and already have all the components to run it anyways.
Talk about a fast reply... that was under 10 or 20 minutes...

Our propane systems are in just about any kind of FI setup you can imagine. Including setups like Stock SCd cars like the Pontiac Grand Prix. I don't see any issue with your setup. We have been selling our kits for almost 5 years, over 500 systems out there and not one reported parts failure due to the system other than parts broken from excessive power. Which I see as a good thing ;)

Any other general or specific questions please let us know. No question is to trivial.

Chris Hill
Import Power
Home of the World's Fastest FWD 3000GT/Stealth

Anyone else ever heard anything contrary to this?