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Surprised an Audi S4


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No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot.
Dec 9, 2002
I was on Rt 93 in Concord driving my T home from storage today. At the toll booth in Concord a S4 was ahead of me and jumped over to a booth with a toll taker. I just went through the exact change lane. We both happened to pull out together. He was 2 lanes over and looking to get into the far left lane. There was traffic about 200 yards ahead and he started to gun it. I look over in a "Ya go ahead and try" look. He cut over one lane and I nailed it with him about even. My peg leg starts spinning and he suddenly looks over at me with a big :eek: look on his face. I don't think he had a clue. He couldn't cut in my lane so he weaved back to his. I just went on casually at 70 while he got stuck. Just a little bit of fun for the day.:D
Isn't it fun to be able to keep someone from cutting you off? Instead of killing people I like to toy with them they same way you did. Keep just ahead of them and make them slam on their brakes.
You can almost always tell when they're going to cut you off. I have no problem if they want to speed up sensibly and get in front of me, but if I know they don't have the room and are going to have to cut me off to do it, I speed up. Just enough to keep them in their lane, put on their brakes and get behind me. It's a bonus when its a ricer or other pseudo performance car.