TandD phone number?


Narrow A$$ Racing
May 30, 2001
Anyone have the number for TandD? Need some shafts and retainers for my rockers. The only TandD i can find is TransDapt. Is this the same company? Thx Scott
No, TransDapt is not the same company as T&D. T&D makes some of the
best rocker assemblies available:cool: (as I'm sure you already know). I
can't seem to put my hands on the ph# right now. If I don't find it, I know
Dad has it. If someone doesn't come up with it tomarrow, I'll post it tomarrow

Larry Torres(the "T" in T&D) raced Buick stage II V6 motors for several years.
He finally had to quit racing, as the business was demanding too much of his
time. He's a really nice guy, with a soft spot for Buick V6's.:D

You can also order T&D, and Comp, and ... stuff through CV Products at 800-448-1223.

Nice people to deal with IME, and decent pricing.
