Never Enough!!!
Apr 6, 2002
Hey Greg what do ya think of this kit? I got it with the rebuid kit wondering if you have any suggestion or comments on it? Before I heard of PTS I accuired a Superior, 2 differ Trans-Go's, and a B&M to see the differances were. TCI seems to be the most simple which from what I've learned on here simple is the way to go, one thing I noticed that the holes in the sep plate aren't very conseritive. Bruce have ya ever tried one? One comment on the Trans-Go, they no longer recommend drilling the vb, maybe "somebody" got through to them? Also is it recommended to leave the MTV upshift spring out in a CZ vb? Thanx!
My opinion on that kit is obviously biased as I created it. :p Your keyword 'simple' is exactly right. There is little need to change very much to get better quality shifts. The hole sizes may be on the larger end of the scale but they were done with 210-230 psi max. pressure in mind. Many trannys are running considerably more these days with even stiffer regulator springs and boost valves exceeding .500 diameter.

Leaving the MTV upshift valve spring out will slightly raise light throttle upshift points. All TR calibrations came that way from Hydramatic.
I kinda figured your opinion would be a little biased but I also figured who'ed know better, I know you are employed there, but I am not sure as to, in what capacity? But by the sounds of it I guess you would know about the kit. As to the holes in the plate I personally don't know how big is too big, just judging from hear-say and what other kits advise they seemed alittle large. I will be using .500 & .370 boost valves and all of 230 psi (I assume anyway as the purple pr spring suppied is by far longer and stronger than any of the others and I was getting 210 with B&M's) so should be all right there. I'll let you know what I think, hopefully within a week as I hope to have the tranny done and installed this weekend.
Yea, he's biased.....But he should be...

Because dime to a dollar it works very well.

The older TCI kits with the red plate I was always leary of sizing too, but Greg will do it right.

This kinda made me wonder tho...".I will be using .500 & .370 boost valves. "
What is a 370 boost valve? I have never seen one. 271 maybe but never a 370. I am curious.
Originally posted by HOTTOGO
I know you are employed there, but I am not sure as to, in what capacity?
Uhh...janitor. ;) Actually I've been a product engineer at TCI for 10 years and my GN came down here with me when I took the job. It's tranny has been given quite a workout over the years being a guinea pig.

You know, every valve body bolt hole in the case has been heli-coiled. :p
Originally posted by MeanBuicks
Uhh...janitor. ;) Actually I've been a product engineer at TCI for 10 years and my GN came down here with me when I took the job. It's tranny has been given quite a workout over the years being a guinea pig.

You know, every valve body bolt hole in the case has been heli-coiled. :p

I figured it was alittle more than pushing a broom and I can bet the tranny is not a virgin anymore.
Re: Yea, he's biased.....But he should be...

Originally posted by WE4
This kinda made me wonder tho...".I will be using .500 & .370 boost valves. "
What is a 370 boost valve? I have never seen one. 271 maybe but never a 370. I am curious.
I was talking low/rev boost, and don't ask me where I got it 'cuz Gil made me promise not to tell.