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They got the B!tch!!


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My cars suck
Jul 24, 2001
For anyone who cares, or remembers, they finally arrested the girl who stole my money at work this summer! Picked her up over the weekend, didn't say how it happened. I went to her arraignment (sp?) today, bail was set at $40,000. It was funny, she's a champion rodeo competitor, and the public defender said she shouldn't be forced to stay in jail because she has scoliosis. Right. Judge nixed that plan quickly. If you can ride a bull, you can lay your worthless bum ass on a cot. Felt good to see her in that orange jumpsuit.:D Her parents sat right in front of me. I was expecting her dad to start some crap, and I was fully prepared to deal with him, but they just walked away. I hope they treat her real nice in jail!;)
Yeah man she had it coming. Only met her once but what a shady person. She was all up tight that day i walk in your shop, Like she was hiding something? Who know's but i glad you got her.

No, she couldn't see me, they do it all on closed circuit TV now. Too bad, cuz I wanted to point and laugh. Her mom was pretty upset. But screw her too, she knew about it and has been saying some untrue things herself. I can't wait to go to trial. My civil suit is gonna hurt her whole family, I hope they know this is the least painful part of this process, I've not yet begun to fu(k them over. Revenge, its whats for dinner, and it sure be tasty!

Hey Sean, I'll call ya later. Glad to hear you got the motor sold Dennis!
Originally posted by turbosam6
No, she couldn't see me, they do it all on closed circuit TV now. Too bad, cuz I wanted to point and laugh. Her mom was pretty upset. But screw her too, she knew about it and has been saying some untrue things herself. I can't wait to go to trial. My civil suit is gonna hurt her whole family, I hope they know this is the least painful part of this process, I've not yet begun to fu(k them over. Revenge, its whats for dinner, and it sure be tasty!

Hey Sean, I'll call ya later. Glad to hear you got the motor sold Dennis!
Yeah,Johnny should enjoy it,,and he is buying my Turbo,,,got anytyhing for sale:D :D :D
I remember the thread from a while back. Thanks for filling us in with the latest details.

Congratulations... put her thru the wash.

It's great to see that law enforcement kept on your case and followed thru.

Keep us posted.
Glad to hear it is starting to work out Sam, and I hope you get most of that money back through the civil suit. People need to be accountable for their actions, and she is finding out the hard way as a result of criminal behavior.
Now the most important question.... Is any of your money left or assets that can be attached/sold?
Yeah, theres a few things I'll be getting. I will take possession of a truck, horse trailer, and some saddles and horse accessories. About $14,000 worth of stuff, which I will sell. These items will bring me totally out of the debt she put me into. Not a big deal, as I've managed to just about pay everything off. My civil suit against her will be in the $100,000 range, plus legal costs.

So if anyone needs a nice horse trailer, let me know!:D
It's about time...

Maybe 2004 is the year that those of us who've been ripped off finally get justice! I got mine, you got yours, who's next?

I dont know the story, can you give me a quick synapses?

Very cool, it's nice to know sometimes the system DOES work a little bit!

and umm, ain't there a ZERO missing from that civil-suit number??

(jk, I give you credit for NOT going overboard!)
Send Her A Post Card

She played, Now it's her time to pay......

Happy everything turned out good for ya:cool:

Originally posted by IrvJr
I dont know the story, can you give me a quick synapses?


ditto on this for me - sorry I missed it the first time, and glad that she was brought to justice!:D