Tim Robbins And S. Serandon Don't Get It

Red Regal T

Senior Member
May 24, 2001
I watched with much amusement as Tim Robbins vented his anger at a Press Club function, berating talk radio and "19th" Century Fox for having the audacity to expose those movie stars who think we care what they think. Yeah, we care what they think and now we don't want to see them around. This is just an extension of the trouble that the left is in, I think, because they've been shown to be anti-american Bush haters by talk radio and the Fox News channel.
American hating idiots. Tim is upset because he was un-invited to a Bull Durham function:rolleyes: The liberal celebs can't understand that while they have the right to express their radical views, we have the right to condemn them for it. Just look at the Dixie Chicks, there single went from number one before their stupid comments, to someplace not even on the chart within a week or two. And now a pro american song (have you forgotten) is number one on the country charts. As Dubya would say...And rightly so;) As far as Susan Sarandon goes, hell her own mother acknowledges the fact that her daughter is "misguided"
According to the Post Sarandon's mother claimed in the interview that Robbins and her daughter had "brainwashed" her grandson about the war.


And what kind of weenie would it take to be scared of Tim Robbins:rolleyes:
LMAO! They get their panties in a wad when they think their views might come back to hit them in the pocketbook. He wouldn't have said those things back when he was a nobody making that movie.
This is great:

"I can't tell you how moved I have been at the overwhelming support I have received from newspapers throughout the country in these past few days

Then you look at the results of the poll:

Did Baseball Hall of Fame president Dale Petroskey make the right decision to cancel the "Bull Durham" celebration because of stars Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon's antiwar views?

Choice Votes Percent of 55055 votes
Yes 41195 75%
No 10319 19%
I don't care 3541 6%
Please check back later for updated survey results.

I'm glad Americans can still think for themselves and that most of us don't care which famous person endorses what. Hey, maybe TBS won't show Shawshank twice a week now?!
It amazes me how the Hollywood crowd, after a couple of hit movies, think they are suddenly smarter than the average person. How dare we challenge their views! These are people that are constantly surrounded by yes men that tell them how talented and intelligent they are. I guess, when you hear that long enough, you begin to believe it. And they say Republicans are elitists!
And by the looks of him - he never should get it. Her either. They deserve each other.
I like how he is a "peace activist" and claims to be promoting peace but he threatens a reporter. Doesn't sound very peaceful to me?
Originally posted by striker_29
The liberal celebs can't understand that while they have the right to express their radical views, we have the right to condemn them for it.

EXACTLY!!! Now he is lookinig to sue "somebody" for not allowing him his freedom of speach....:rolleyes:

Celebrities are going to learn REAL FAST that they better keep their "views" to themselves or their carrers may take a hit!

They are "serial protesters". Remember Susan Sarandan's protests of SUV's? According to her eliteist mentality... SHE and not you, have the right to choose what kind of vehicle you want to drive! SHE probably has an excessivily huge palace-like house (or multiple houses) to heat and cool, flys in private jets, rides in stretched limos and then preaches to YOU... that you can't have an SUV to drive safely in the snowy weather, you can't have an SUV if you like to take your family camping or tow a car or boat, you can't have an SUV if you just want more room because she knows everything.

We have freedom of speech rights too, although they object to us speaking against their dictator-like ideas. Please everyone... let's boycott all of these elitist, a-holes' movies!!!
The sad thing is....

Why does the Media insist on reporting what these blatherskites have to say about politics :confused:

An expert quoted out of their field is no longer an expert!!!!

These people are usually high school educated with no advanced education (in the area for political science) and have no more insight about the world than you and I....You and I are just as qualified to speak on these subjects as they, yet the microphone and camera are clammoring after celebs because of their celebrity....I'm not listening....I encourage you'all not to listen....I encourage you'all to write the Media and tell them you're not listening.

Furthermore, the Media needs to understand that every time you and I see a celebrity talking about politics, our remote goes "click" :p

Our media is driven by the "bottom line"....Once they understand we do not want to hear from celebrities, it will change, but not until then :D

I say, "Ban statements from the Mental Midgets of Hollywood" :cool: