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too many losses lately


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Former owner
May 22, 2002
whats up guys? i come in here every day and i am seeing alot of new "killed" stories. get those cars tuned and get some KILLS!!!
show em what the dark side is all about! :D
Some are almost stock,Somepeople are underestimating the competition and some don't have a scan tool or are not taking the time to set the car up correctly.

Add them up and that means that alot are going down and loseing.

Remember guys tune youre cars correctly(more boost is not always more power if knock is present)

Don't cut anyone any slack(if you are gonna run them then run them don't half way run them.Unless conditions become unsafe.You don't know what they have under the hood)

People with stock cars or very little modes.Should not take on vipers, 03 cobras etc.You will just make yourself feel bad while he walks all over you.Resist the urge until you get a few more HP under the hood.

Thank's Kevin
it basically amounts to this...

if your car is stock or near stock (and this means stock turbo, injectors, intercooler) don't go out picking on 03 cobras, vipers, z06 corvettes, supras, yada yada yada because just because you run 12.6's at the track doesn't mean you will run that on the street...usually on the street you run 1-1.5 seconds SLOWER because of crappy street tires...or mistimed lights at intersections, or people getting a jump on you...street racing anything goes and you better come the track you have time to retool and stuff but on the street if you aren't ready...they will give it all they got because people want to be able to brag to their buddies "hey man i just beat a grand national! that must mean my car is totally fast!" see everyone is out to get us!:D
like a good buddy of mine says, if a buick is knocking it wont run good times at ALL. not to mention the damage it does to the motor.
It's only because my cars are still not out yet ;) wait a little and I'll post some pretty soon
It is kinda funny...The first time I posted in this section...And I post a loss,...I think it was more of a warning to some....NEVER UNDER-ESTIMATE!!!

I could of posted one of the billion kills that I had,But it gets old...Killed a crudstang...:rolleyes: Killed a vette...:rolleyes: Killed a f-16 fighter Jet...:eek:
I told you don't let it happen again or I'll take your keys away :)

I think it is time for 20 psi in that thing don't you? Maybe a little laughing gas :eek:

Hopefully I'll have it back in time for some cool weather :D
I don think I totally agree with the stock part. With an alky you can get your 20+ psi on the street. If you have a set of nittos or bfg's then you are in good shape.

I hear people claiming 1.7 60's at the track with their street tires. Hey if you're doing 12.50s at the track with your alky then on the street shouldnt be far off.
People with stock cars or very little modes.Should not take on vipers, 03 cobras etc.You will just make yourself feel bad while he walks all over you.Resist the urge until you get a few more HP under the hood.

yes EXACTLY, its one of my pet peves, i cant STAND people who buy stock gns for some reasion or another, race them, and then come in here bitchen about it.:mad: hell most of these new owners dont even have a scanmaster and they wonder what that pop noise was that they herd last night when looseing to a v6 camaro.:mad:

looks like when i get my new tires in the mail im going to have to work over time and take down a few more bikes and high buck exotics to redeam our cars.;)
I should be posting kills left and right with my setup and some alchy! just wait!!!!!!!!!!!
i race people almost everyday and to date i have never lost a street race...but i don't post it on here all the time....just the funny ones:D
I agree that any losses are too many, but i also like to have fun. if someone wants to race me i'll go given that its at the right place at the right time. Even if i know there is no doubt in my mind that i will loose i'll still try, i might not like the outcome but it i'll be fun just the same. my $.02