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Tr6 cam phase question


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the wrath

Active Member
Sep 29, 2002
I just installed tr6 cam cam phase mode is at 5000 rpm.

Is it absolutely needed to set between 2000-3000.

Car runs fine.
The closer the better. You may set faults from the TR6 if you’re too far out.
Slightly advanced would be preferable to slightly retarded. I don’t recall which way was advanced, over or under.
It’s easy to adjust using a 14mm socket and a longer 1/4” extension.
Be sure your tach signal is trust worthy.
No, definitely must be off to adjust cam sensor. And be sure to snug up the bolt each time you adjust.
Clockwise to retard counterclockwise to advance. 1/16” is a good amount to move.
Watch out for the hot post on back of he alternator too don’t hit it with your ratchet wrench. Sparks will fly
It just tried it. Just tapping it a little it will go from either 1000 rpm.or 5000 rpm. Been trying for over an hour these are the only 2 I get.
I've not seen that sort of thing, but how old is your TR6? About 2 years ago we changed the sync logic to be less sensitive, so you are probably fine where you had it.

I will try to duplicate that issue on my car and see what I get

I have had it about 4 years I sent it in to you and you updated it and changed the connector.