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It's my Granny's car!
Nov 13, 2001
Went to Midnight Madness at local track to watch Slo86GN make a few passes. Then they announced that you could run for $4. So I ran my wifes 95Z28. Now mind you it has 2.73 gears and only mod is shift kit. It knocks down 9.30's at best @77-78mph. SLO86GN went 7.40 w/crappy 60ft on street chip and pump gas and 17-18# boost. This was a "street race" night-no time slips,no time announced,red lights don't count! Really pissed off a Ruststang on spray,I outran his friend and my wife heard him cussin' at him "you gotta spray it out the hole dammit!" So he hops in and He gets 2-3 links on his smarta** too! If you wanted your time you could go in the tower and find out-cousin heard his friend tell him "you went 9.68! Howd you lose!?" LOL There wasnt anything faster except the GN-I red lighted him and he blew by at 1/2 track like I braked!! They announced that the "INTERNATIONAL" won!! That was hilarious,they did it again and I said "It's a Grand National! The guy in staging lanes said what did he call it? Then he laughed and radioed and told him it's a GN not a tractor!! Then the best one-I like your SS monte Carlo,what's it run? Lonnie had just laughing with us about crazy things people ask.:D
I pulled into work one day and someone came up to me and said " I was wondering whose car that was.... I used to have one of them Internationals once."...Yeah right....:rolleyes:
ha ha

Theres this guy at work that swears his friend bought a white GN new and T-Types were black! I just say cool and give him congrats for raising the compression on his 68 400 Firebird by putting 455 heads on it,his 2000rpm stall "glide", and 300 duration cam! Some wealth of knowledge amazes me! LOL:D
one day a door to door salesman came to my house and in an attempt to "get in good with me" he started the conversation by asking me, "is that your camaro?" as he turned and pointed at my car....i then looked at him and said..."um, no, thats my ford ranchero....but close!" funny stuff.
Last time I was at the track, some guy comes up to me and offers to help me push the car down the staging lanes.

Me (while pushing the cars): "Dang! wish this cars wasn't so freaken heavy!"

Him (while pushing): "Monte Carlos have always been."

Me: :D lol.

I didn't even bother expalining.

What was even funnier was that NONE of the Mustangs were anxious to play with the GN......I dunno why...LOL. I was hoping the track would hook a little better so I coulda pulled off a real low 7 sec pass, but it wasn't to be. Still, not too bad of a night considering the crappy track conditions and the fact I was in completely street trim. If I could have gotten the alchy sorted out, I woulda cranked the boost and went for the 6's...Oh well, still was a good night all in all. I think the guy I took for a ride almost pee'd on himself, and it was a slow 8.70 pass....Spun like a bi$ch off the line, even leaving at 0-1#....:( Oh well, one day they will get a clue and put down a little VHT.
LOL.....Sounds like there is another slick track out there. No, I was running at Southern Dragway in Nicholls, GA. Little 1/8 mile track in the middle of nowhere, but it's the closest thing aroound. :(
Yea it does sound like the same place this track is in the middle of nowhere to. And the call it midnite madness on saturday nites. And dont give any times slips out just a win light.