How many pounds of boost/rpm are you able to launch at off the brake? With what tires/ suspension mods?
Surprisingly a 26x11.50 slick fit under the TTA (Mounted on a 15x8 Prostars) car has a Spohn adjustable torque arm, lakewood 90/10 front struts with no swaybar, battery moved to back, about 125 pounds have been removed from the front. Car lightened around 250#s, so I think it weighs at or a little over 3200.
Surprisingly a 26x11.50 slick fit under the TTA (Mounted on a 15x8 Prostars) car has a Spohn adjustable torque arm, lakewood 90/10 front struts with no swaybar, battery moved to back, about 125 pounds have been removed from the front. Car lightened around 250#s, so I think it weighs at or a little over 3200.