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Troubleshooting older SMC


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'Horse sneeze' addict
Sep 20, 2007
I have the older square bottle with the RCA connectors on top. After sitting awhile the system isn't working. I put 12v to the controller but the armed lite doesn't come on, does this mean its shot or I have a bad wire somewhere such as at the pump unit ? I know the wiring that goes to the pump is correct. I have a green wire out of the harness that goes to the 'dial connector' on top of the tank, a black wire next to it on the dial connector that goes to ground. Is there any troubleshooting tips ? I don't know of any fuse in the system and I get no lights on the controller and it won't spray with the test button. Looked all over online for instructions, etc. Can't even find any more. :frown:
I talked to Steve a few months ago. As far as I know he's still around. He used to post here on the forum, if you do a little digging, you can probably find his username here.
I talked to Steve a few months ago. As far as I know he's still around. He used to post here on the forum, if you do a little digging, you can probably find his username here.

Steve went out of business.

I had the same problem with mine. Turns out it lost the ground somewhere so I jumped another ground with a piggyback connector. Of course I found out that the alky stopped working after the rod bearings went bad. My controller is in the glovebox so I didn't see the lights were not on.
The RCA connector on top of the tank gets power when you press the test button or the system activates. Typically the red wire is always "hot" and the box applies ground to the black wire to spin the pump.

If you have both power and ground on the plug, the pump should spin.

Many many years ago(2002/2003) I had a problem where I lost connection through the rca plug, I tookthe tank apart, ran the wires through the plug straight to the motor and that solved my problem. The alcohol had corroded the bottom of the tin on the RCA terminal cuasing the bad/intermittant connection.

Find your users installation manual and go through it. You may also find Steve's email on that document and try and see if he can help through email. I understand he still responds to emails but I dont have it.

Steve went out of business.


Wow.. I didnt know that. I know he had the business for sale about 8 months ago and I just talked to him 3 or 4 months ago.

Sorry to hear that :(
Pump runs with 12v applied to it from the battery, but no power coming down from the control unit. No green 'armed' light on the control unit even with power put to it.
If your controller is bad, you can replace it with an ISAC. See the link in my sig. Its been tested with the SMC kit.
Steve will answer e-mails & only builds kits on request. I'm sure he will help you out. I just sold mine Julio is getting an order in a day or two.
Pump runs with 12v applied to it from the battery, but no power coming down from the control unit. No green 'armed' light on the control unit even with power put to it.

Some of his older controllers had a blade fuse(ATC) on the pcb. You may want to open and see if the fuse is blown.
Some of his older controllers had a blade fuse(ATC) on the pcb. You may want to open and see if the fuse is blown.

Blown fuse was it, thanks. Wiring at the RCA was getting shady and I bet that blew it. Time for a rewire.
the smc would have taken the opportunity to use a more attractive design for the enclosure, but the barricade is still pretty much the same homely little gray box. it's slightly wider, the led's have been moved to the front of the box and are much easier to see, a reset button has been added, and the power switch removed.
I recently ordered some parts from Steve

about 3-4 weeks ago, he was still doing alky kits, (not sure to what extent)
very helpful.