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Turbo Buick 10 Commandments


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That friggin hole in the cradle bit me before. Sucks!
I dropped a dog house bolt into that area under the plenum but "in/on" the intake manifold top area. It was like it disappeared. Couldn't find it for a half hour even with my magnetic reach tool. Got it eventually.

Oh, replacing the pcv valve rubber grommet is a pure evil joke.

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Ha, it's pine pollen season here and is my time to smile that my T is not black.
Lots of humorous truth in this thread. We will need a larger mountain to cast these I stone.
A lot can be learned if these are carefully read. And similar to the 10 commandments, a multitude of answers will be answered.

Thou shalt not covet thy friends' time slip.
Thou shalt not be screwed by an engine builder who lies, cheats, steals and uses your old parts instead of NEW ones when building you a NEW motor.
I got one or two:

Thou shalt covet the all-mighty Search Button prior to asking for help.
Thou shalt ensure one is always equipped with a formidable amount of ZIP TIES to tie everything off.
I have another one:

Thou shalt consult all mighty vortex Buick’s dot com to troubleshooteth a no-start issue.
Thou Shalt not be offended if someone has never seen or heard of a "Grand National"
Thou Shalt not take for granted where your boost is set at
Thou Shalt not fear replacing the head gaskets, it is only a task
Thou Shalt not use your rear tire condition as an excuse
Thou Shalt not have fear of maxxing out thy combo
Thou Shalt not live on a 25-27 psi principle, turn it up
Thou Shalt not drip a drop of gas on thy perfectly crafted Spoolfool filler
Thou Shalt not skimp on vacuum lines and connections
I have a couple:
Thou Shalt not have any types of leaks: oil, gas,anti-freeze, trans fluid,vacuum, ect. (maintain your GN)
Thou Shalt not use E65, if you're tuned for E85 (Get a Ethanol tester)
Thou Shalt not ride on tires 8 to 10 years old (Check your tire date)
Thou Shalt not let just anyone or any shop work on your masterpiece (Do your research)
Thou Shalt NOT get beat in the quarter mile, or even on the streets by one of these punk ass HEMI'S
See my signature......

Thou shalt no buy a clapped out TR that barely runs, from the 5th owner, on the original timing chain and springs, and believe thou can take that TR with some paper clips, zip ties, slicks and 5 gallons of race gas go and run 10's that next weekend.
Thou shalt bring thine checkbook and be prepared to depart with all of it in the name of Turbo Buick.
Thou shalt never tell thine wife the actual price of the parts you bought.......ever.
Thou shalt always check the grounds on the back of the heads.
Thou shalt not act surprised when the stock parts blow up under severe detonation and you cannot figure out why.