Hey! I just bought a GN off of Ebay, going to pick it up in NC as soon as I get a chance- - -
I have a few (dumb newbie) questions I hope y'all can answer- -
I have read that one should let the turbo cool for 30 seconds when you stop the car to prevent coking of the turbo. Someone else on this site said that was not true, what do y'all think?
Where are some good places in Atlanta/Decatur area to get work done on a TR?
How much of a difference is there in quality between these two car alarms? Which one would y'all recommend? The first one is so much more Expensive than the second one, but I don't know what the difference really is. I want to get a really effective alarm in addition to the other security measures I am taking (steering column collar, Ravelco) so I'd rather spend a little more $ and get something that WORKS but I don't want to overpay.
I know I want one with glass breakage sensors and microwave sensor, and something that if the car is towed it will go off and page me. Recommendations?
I'm the 2nd (?) TR owner in Atlanta named Alan!