Turbo Camaro?


New Member
Jun 28, 2001
i was wondering what all was needed to install a 86 3.8Turbo into a 82 v6 camaro...i know most parts could be gotten from/for a TTA...but want to keep 5 spd trans
thirdgen.org has a very good article on this. BTW lose the 5 spd idea if you want to go fast, these cars were made for autos. Most people who want 5spd are just wanting the feeling and thats all good, but for performance the auto will win.


Good Luck
Originally posted by SHRPTTA
thirdgen.org has a very good article on this. BTW lose the 5 spd idea if you want to go fast, these cars were made for autos. Most people who want 5spd are just wanting the feeling and thats all good, but for performance the auto will win.


Good Luck

No way man my honda Friends say their car can beat mine because its an Auto and they all have sticks...


Stay away from a 5 speed, and even more so if its original. I doubt it will last long. Much less the rear end , cluch basically everything that will be shocked hard by the motor.