turbo question


Jul 25, 2009
I have a 87 gn.I want a turbo for it.WHAT IS THE BEST UPGRADE!My mods are 50#",3 INCH THDP,turbo tweak chip,3 inch exhaust,stock intercooler with duttweiler neck,and a scan master. thanx for any replies:)
thanx ''theCATman'' i do have a te44 is this good for high 11's. I will be doing all these mods over the winter.THANX FOR YOUR INPUT!:)
aaww hell quite playing with the little small turbos & throw a 42-76 on it & be done with it.:cool:
Thanx guys for all your input.Im new to the site so any info is great.I am restoring the 87 gn now.I'll so picks when done.:D