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turning over, but trouble starting


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drive fast, take chances
Sep 22, 2010
the car has been doing well lately. here's the problem - its turning over like crazy but just doesn't start when i feel it should. takes me about 5 tries over 5 minutes. reading through the sticky, but i'm getting confused about all the different things it could be. not enough spark? too much fuel? sensors? coil ignition? i have no scan tools or anything. just thought i'd ask what the most common problem would be. btw, it has always idled awful. it's a serious problem since its my d.d.:( any advice?
buy a fuel pressure gauge and check that.. that's usually the first thing i look at when a car starts hard.
Lots to check....

Back to basics...when is the last time it had a tune up....fuel filter, plugs etc....?

Common issues for me were the injectors...dirty and needed a cleaning. If they're stockers and u have them out to clean them might as well upgrade them. The other thing you might try, check to see if your coil pack is going. A shop will be able to do this for you or if your handy an ohmmeter will too. I think it's no more than 13.5 between terminals....without looking that up.

Other no start issues i ran into were cam and crank sensor needed replaced.

How bout your fuel it old and noisy? Maybe it's on it's way out.

Lots there for you to check for starters....let me know how you make out.
I agree with novaderrik...slap a gauge on the rail. And double check for consistency in pressure. Pressure jumps and faults are the first signs of pump failure.(Fuel and Spark) are your zones. I would check for steady pressure, And consistent spark at the wires. If spark is an issue. Follow electrical components from there.
thanks for the guidance guys, ill keep you posted. ill probably end up replacing all those things next week then. she deserves it.
fuel pump?

got a pressure gauge and checked it out. key to "on" it was at about 20. turned over a couple times and slowly goes up to 30. when it did start, it stayed at around 30 psi at idle. with some throttle it would go up some.

changed the fuel filter and put the gauge back on. key to "on" it stayed at about 20, but when cranking it didn't really go up. shut it off, and then back to "on" and it shot up to about 35 psi and it quickly started going down to 10 psi in like 5 seconds. when i put the key to "on" and fire it right away, it started.

so...i'm thinking fuel pump? took it to a friend and he hooked a scanner to it and it said my MAF threw a code and it was running lean. He said he doesn't know how long those codes have been there, but it is running lean.:mad:

should i go with a stock replacement fuel pump, or go walbro with hotwire. the stock pump will run me $135. what will be the best way to go. keep in mind its my d.d. so i want something reliable, but still want some performance. if i go walbro, will i need an adj fp reg? ecm? maf? injectors? on top of it? i just need some advice on which way to go. which will be the easiest? which is more worth it? be honest. wwyd?:D

and ill probably need some instructions on how to replace it all. sry, still a newb.:rolleyes:
Drop the tank an see what is there,maybe the original pulsator is on there and its gone bad or fuel hose loose or bad in gas tank.If not get a walbro pump with a hotwire kit.You should be good to go. I have a good stock fuel pump I can let go cheap.PM me if interested. Good luck.:cool: