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Twice in one night!


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May 26, 2001
Normally I can't get a street race to save my driver's license... Last night I went to the local hardware supercenter to get some landscaping material and on the way home caught up with a real (as opposed to kit) Lamorghini Diablo. While we never lined up (traffic) we did make some bumper to bumper blasts as he tried to lose me. He couldn't. At one point I started pulling around him at WOT, but traffic interfered and I had to slam on the brakes. Talked to the guy later at cruise night--his main comment was "what do you HAVE in that thing? I couldn't shake you!" He kept repeating that... On the other hand, he had a lot of folks stopping to look at his car and they just walked past my light gold TR...
Anyway after dropping the Lambo off (he turned up his street), I zoomed back to the main drag and some guy in a black F150 blasted past, but I caught him at the light. Dual hood scoops, fancy wheels, badge on the side, yep it's a Lightning! I launched at 7psi (transbrake is great!) and left him way way back. He did the standard fly-by after I'd been slowed down for 15 seconds or so (took him that long), but at least he didn't have the nerve to flash his hazards... He drove through cruise night later, but didn't stop to chat. Must have hurt his feelings.
Two runs in one night! Amazing.
New mods: TH Downpipe, RJC powerplate. Running alcohol injection PLUS xylene mix=24psi boost on the street. Feelin' good.
Good thing you put in there that it wasn't a kit car. :rolleyes: Anyway, I guess that Diablo owner was only surprised he couldn't shake a "grocery getter" because I would think he would have a hard time shaking a lot of cars. From my post about a run-in with one, many guys responded and claimed they only run low 13s. I certainly agree it's really hard to get any action out there. :(
Actually, according to Road and Track, the hardtop Diablo ran 12 flat at 119.8 mph. The convertible was a whole second slower.
Well they might only get a 12-13 second range, but after that first 1/4 mile we stand no chance. Those cars werent made with the 1/4 mile in mind. I would love to tak one on the Autobahn!!

What's with the flasher thing anyway? I've seen some ricers do it, but what does it mean? Thanks - BB:(
Usually the person who's doing it is in front and therefore thinks they've won. Standard with the ricer flyby. You slow down after spanking them, they fly by and hit the flashers, saying "I beat you!"