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twin turbo 300 ZX


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New Member
Mar 4, 2003
Cruisin aroung friday night, a couple of kids in a 300 Z blow by me and hover around the front of my car during which i identified it as a twin turbo. they gave it a couple of blasts from 40, but there was traffic, so I was like :confused: We got past the traffic and he would not get even with me for anything. We are coming up on a light that is green but i get him to start slowing down, however the light stays green until the cars behind us are honking because we are going 15 mph in a 50. So we go thru the light and he still won't let me get even with him so i just pull it down into 2nd and stab it at about 25-30 with him still a car on me. He hears me and floors his about the time my front end is by his rear quarter panel. I pulled 15-16 lbs. up to about 70 and had him by a little more than a car. I tap the brakes, and he does the usual fly by, you know like he beat me or something. I just waved (kinda), and let him go on. I saw him at the next light, he said he didn't know what it ran (1/4), but it didn't matter because we both knew I just handed him his a$$ on an all black platter.:D
Good kill

I like hearing from my other 86 buddies :D I rarely get instigators on the street however so I dont have many stories.
Nice run. I don't think I'd like to tackle that car in the twisties though.
I had one of the twin turbos for a while. They are pretty quick from a roll, good highway cars, good handling cars. They are NOT meant to be drag cars. I could never launch that thing. An automatic tranny with the turbo is the only way to go.

Good kill.:cool:
Originally posted by XLR8
Nice run. I don't think I'd like to tackle that car in the twisties though.

A GN with, ahh, say $20 bucks in suspension mods will take most cars in the twisties. :D

Nice kill!
Only 20 bucks in suspension mods to really handle? Please let me know what they are. (sorry to hi-jack your kill Mr..Boost).
.......during which i identified it as a twin turbo.

hey not to be a smart ass but how the hell did you know it was a twin turbo? I didnt think they were labeled as twin turbo anywhere, but maybe Im wrong does it say it somewhere that I have been missing this whole time?
hey not to be a smart ass but how the hell did you know it was a twin turbo? I didnt think they were labeled as twin turbo anywhere, but maybe Im wrong does it say it somewhere that I have been missing this whole time?

Actually they are labeled, they also have some other small visual changes compared to the N/T models. I think bigger tires is also included.

Obviously if it was keepin up as much as he said it was it had to be turbo. The N/T 300zx's are dogs.
Originally posted by XLR8
Nice run. I don't think I'd like to tackle that car in the twisties though.

Removable top 300ZX's are lame in the twisties and they weigh about 300lbs MORE than a hard top T-type. Stock 90's hatch roof 300ZX vs Stock hardtop T-type on any race course would come down to the driver. The Car would provide NO advantage either way.

My 1st reaction was when I pulled into a parts store and saw the brand new Black 300Z Twin Turbo...I must admit I drooled for a while. I really liked that car and still to this day love the looks. But from what I have read in Motor Trend mag. on buying older cars ( They sometimes run an article on how to buy a used hotrod...last one I read was on Vipers)anyway both 2, turbo and non have major oiling probs. Also there was a sweet 300z twinT sitting at my mechs garage (Stillen package) and my mech said they run great but need constant TLC and you have to pull the engine to get at the turbos...which get oil starved. Nice car but you might as well throw your money in the gutter.:eek:
I owned a twin turbo z for about 5 years (90-95), and let me tell you I never had a major problem with that car.My car ran 13.20's w/automatic tranny and a few mods, I had bought my first GN in 91 to be a daily driver, but all that changed, within a couple years the Z became my daily driver,because my GN was turning 11.50's.

decent kill dude!
Hey guys, sorry i haven't posted in awhile, been super busy. Anyways, I am positive it is a TT. You can also spot them by the air vents down low in the front i think. Anyways, sorry about not replying very quick. I need to post my mustang scare off that happened tonight. :cool: