UFC 113 fight videos

Thank you:D I love to see Kimbo get his azz whopped like that:biggrin::cool: I saw all his "street" fights and I knew he wasn't that bad... I don't want none but;):biggrin:

As Joe put it "that crazy white boy" destroyed the kimbo myth!

Off to watch shogun now:D

That didn't take long, he KO'd the dragon:)
Good fights, that koscheck fellow needs to find another source of employment,that's the 2nd fight in which he has attempted to fake an injury,claiming that he had been kneed in the face,his fights are boring,he can't really inflict any damage other than to take an opponent down, i just wish the other guy would have punched him a little harder after the bell
Good fights, that koscheck fellow needs to find another source of employment,that's the 2nd fight in which he has attempted to fake an injury,claiming that he had been kneed in the face,his fights are boring,he can't really inflict any damage other than to take an opponent down, i just wish the other guy would have punched him a little harder after the bell

i dont like kos in the least bit, but he has HUGE power in his hands, he is completely outclassed by paul daley on the feet and he knew that so he took the fight to his strong suit, wrestling. if you search for the koschek vs yoshiyuki yoshida, or koschek vs frank trigg, ull see he actually does have very good skills standing. doesnt really change that hes a tool tho.
just made my nite

that was allmost as good as epic beard man on youtube ! if u have never seen it watch it !