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vac. conversion=now hard pedal and vac. issue


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Well-Known Member
TurboBuick.Com Supporter!
Dec 26, 2010
Ok guys bare with me as I'm on my phone trying to describe a problem,, (only internet access). Did the vac conversion a few mos. Ago, went to a show on Sunday and all was good, and Monday morning as soon as I stepped on the brake I knew it's weird, very stiff pedal barely any brakes I bought everything from a local advanced auto, off of an 87 regal, also noticed some weird vacuum fluctuations on gauge and when I hold the brake and give it some gas the pedal pushes up so the diaphragm is being pressurised? So tried a new check valve and got the same results, I have it t'd Into the pcv, andall vacuum lines new and all zipper tied, thanks for any insight... Mike
Do you have a check valve in the line so diaphragm doesn't get pressurized?
Master and booster were bought together, Pronto, I only have a check valve on the booster itself, is one also needed inline??, Could I have damaged the diaphragm? Like I said it's been good for months and all of a sudden Its bad...Mike
The check valve on the booster is to keep vacuum in the booster as a reserve if I'm not mistaken. I would have a good check valve in the PCV line to be sure. It would protect the engine from getting pressurized as well. Oh, and I've seen one of those can filters in the line split open too.
What kind of check valve would be a good one (inline)??...
I think I might have a spare plastic one left. I can bring it to NED is you go Saturday.
Awesome Pronto thanks, I'll pop Into a couple parts stores and see what they have to offer, if not I'll order one, as for the booster are there any ways to check for a bad diaphragm? If I pull the check valve out it still hisses air even sitting over night... Mike
I found my extra valve. I'll bring it along to NED so if you make it you can have it.