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Vacuum canister location


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Feb 28, 2003
I went to install a torque strap on my car today (I know, I'm cheap and should buy the mounts) and noticed that the vacuum canister is bolted to the top or the frame rail in the dead center of the path where the strap is supposed to go (kirban's strap). It doesn't really look factory and was wondering if this is where it's supposed to be?? I think a previous owner may have moved it to make room for the 14" K&N but I've never been under the hood of a stock TR so I don't know where it should be. One more reason to start with a stock vehicle I suppose. TIA

It goes in the left front of the inner fender. their is a hole molded that it drops into, and if memory serves me correct. (been a long time since it was on my car) their is only one bolt that holds it on.

It must have been moved for this huge air filter then. Is there any reason why it can't disappear off the car or should I relocate it again?

Thanks for the help.

I've been without for a while now. Just put a small filter on the line that runs back to the tank to keep debris out, plug the vacume line and unplug the soleniod. It may throw a code depending on your chips and such, if so just remove the soleniod off of the canister and plug it back in somewhere.

BTW, What part of NE Kansas are you from? I'm up here in Lincoln NE and venture that way all the time for work.

Thanks. I'm from Baileyville, which is straight south of Pawnee City and straight west of Seneca. Close enough to Nebraska that I can smell 'em ;) . We used to go to Hooters and go go kart racing up there all the time until they closed the track. Where does work take you?
