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Vacuum leak?


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Active Member
Nov 12, 2002
Been chasing this vacuum leak for 2 weeks now and I can't find it:mad:I hear it but can't find It, I hear it pretty clear in the area where the factory boost solenoid sensor is at it's where all the vacuum lines go to some bracket That sits on the drivers side valve cover right under the intake tube how do you guys check for vacuum leaks in that area ? All the hoses are replaced I've tried reaching there to see if I can feel it or listen to the engine sound change but no luck I can hear it though
Spray carb cleaner around where you think the leak is,the idle will change when you hit it with the spray.
Spray carb cleaner around where you think the leak is,the idle will change when you hit it with the spray.

Sometimes it is hard to find with cark cleaner, so, I suggest after the carb cleaner trick . . . . clamp the hoses off one at a time, and see if the hissing sound goes away.

Be aware that on a HA car, the sound of a vaccum leak is not always "a leak".
Your idle BLM balanced with RPM and IAC readings will give you a good indication of the leak.
Thanx for the tips sorry I didn't respond earlier I didn't recieve the email with new post so I didnt know anyway I will try that so what else can cause the car to make that sound of a vacuum leak?
Thanx for the tips sorry I didn't respond earlier I didn't recieve the email with new post so I didnt know anyway I will try that so what else can cause the car to make that sound of a vacuum leak?

Just the TB before the intake will add noise.
HA cars typically have a "sucking sound", even without vacuum leaks.

What are the idle BLM and IAC numbers?
That's exactly what I'm hearin a sucking noise and it gets louder as the car wants to die or dies my Blm is 150 and iac 00 at first the car fires up and stalls takes about 3 times for it to stay in idle but that's with me helping the Rpms stay up then once the car gets in it's grove steady idle I still hear that hissing sucking noise
That's exactly what I'm hearin a sucking noise and it gets louder as the car wants to die or dies my Blm is 150 and iac 00 at first the car fires up and stalls takes about 3 times for it to stay in idle but that's with me helping the Rpms stay up then once the car gets in it's grove steady idle I still hear that hissing sucking noise

Judging by the BLM, it sounds like you have a MAJOR vaccum leak.
Look below the turbo where it connects to the manifold. There is an adapter with 2 O-rings. One of the o-rings may be bad.

IAC @ 0 means the computer has no control over the idle.
That did cross my mind about the intake to turbo adapter o rings I guess I'll look into that I have a feeling thats where the hissing is coming from now as far as the iac being at 0 and the ECM not controlling the idle how do I even fix that? I know as the car is warming up it starts in the high 100s then slowly makes it way down to zero
Ok well I sprayed carb cleaner in the areas I hear the small hissing but no luck I clamped them off as well but no change in sound so my next step is to change out throttle body gasket and then the 2 orings on the adapter who sells just the 2 orings? I dont need that 20 dollar kit anyway so I try setting the iac I wait for the car to get to temp around 175 give or take and I'm watching the iac counts just drop slowly as the temp rises and the car idles longer at one point it actually stayed at like 76 for a good while then slowly worked it's way down to zero I did the procedure I went from bring the Rpms down to 700/750 to 10001025 by turning the screw an still didn't see any iac number besides 00:confused: I don't know what to do next with this iac count being at zero issue ? I'm hoping I fix my Blms though soon as well
Well fixed my leak replaced throttle body gasket and the small 2 inch piece of vacuum hose that goes to the stock boost solenoid sensor that's where my major leak was coming from I found it by using a vacuum leak detector now my Blm is 128 so I'm glad I got that bug worked out now I still can't seem to hold a number on my iac counts? It still goes to zero after 10-15 mins of idling