Vibes from Poly Motor Mounts

Ive got about 100 miles on the first design poly mounts from HRparts. They are one of the best bolt ons Ive ever done. I did notice a slight vibe in mine after and Ill check the clearance bettween the mount pad and mount. It may need a washer like Paul said. But I only have 100miles on them. Once they break-in they should be good.

Every TR should have these mounts!!!
Originally posted by Phatman
Sorry my good man, I wasn't trying to put words in your mouth, but what you told me seemed to correct most all of my problems.
I couldn't be happier with mine. I'll be getting with you sometime soon on those upper arms.
:cool: [/B]

Nothing to be sorry about :) You were passing on good info to help out. Matter of fact, THANKS to all that have said good things helping out here! That's what I love about the Buick community, we stick together to help everyone have better & faster cars.

I'd also like to second Jim's statement:
Double check the balancer bolt! You would be surprised how much vibration that can cause, seen it happen before.
I guess I should add in that I have the mounts and like the "slight" vibration that I get from the engine. Kinda makes me think I am in a big block with a big cam at the race track all the time. :D

The vibration is just enough to say hey let play with that mustake but not enough to complain about in my car.