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Wanted Hardtop 89 TTA


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I'm looking to spend around $12,000 mileage is not a issue i want a TTA to drive and enjoy no low mile garage queens :)

Thanks JIM 215-669-1696
hardtop tta

Originally posted by Vsix
I'm looking to spend around $12,000 mileage is not a issue i want a TTA to drive and enjoy no low mile garage queens :)

Thanks JIM 215-669-1696

i'm sure if you look hard enough and for long enough you may find one, but with 24 leather/hardtops and 15 cloth/hardtops, it won't be an easy task in that price range. i think it may be a rough restoration candidate for that kind of money. if you would rather have fun earlier than later you can find a pretty nice t-top car for that kind of money. might be worth considering. if rigidity is your concern, there are more than enough aftermarket products out there that for the cost differential between a t-top and a hardtop you could probably end up saving money. i have seen clean 30k mile t-top cars go for $10k-$12k and i sold my 30k mile hardtop/leather car to a dealer for $24k and i'm sure he plans on making money on it. just my $.02
Thanks for the reply so far i did get one reply from my ad its a 89 TTA hardtop 2nd owner with 71,000 miles w/leather int and he wants $12,000 it sounds like a pretty good deal to me :)

Thanks JIM

i had heard there was one in md. that came for sale for $12k and the guy backed out and decided not to sell it. i hope that's not the one you were talking about. if the one you are talking about is available at that price, i personally would jump on it if i were you so it doesn't get away. let me know if i can do anything to help.
Hardtop TTA.........

That car that you are tlaking about is #167-168 according to the TTA build number online tool. I saw the ad for the hardtop TTA and contacted the owner as it read "1989 Hardtop TTA with 70k miles for $10,500." I asked him if it was still for sale and he said yes, I ran a carfax and said I will take it today! He said he would call me the next day since someone else said they wanted to look at it before me. He called me the next day and said he recently did $2700 in repairs and thought that $12,000 would be a fair price now given all of the recent maintenance/repairs. I said no problem $12,000 it is. We exchanged addresses made plans to meet the following Saturday and I got the cashiers check made out. He called the next day to say he needed more time before letting the car go as he was still attached to it. I understood as he felt the same way about the TTA as I do about my GN. He said he may not be ready to sell it for a few weeks or months still but when he does he will give me first shot at it since we had already struck a deal. I am ready to buy the car today, no questions asked, I am just waiting for him to say the word. I still keep in touch with him but as of 4 days ago he was still not ready. As long as he decides to keep his word and give me first shot, this car is definitely sold!
1987 GN

i was just waiting for you to chime in. i hope the one that Vsix is talking about isn't the one that you told me about. seems there some similarities here and i don't want to see you miss out as i know how much time you have invested in locating one. i think i would call your guy back and check on things just to be sure. give me a call if i can help.
This sure sounds like the same car :eek: call me for more details

Thanks JIM 215-669-1696
1987 GN and Vsix

it sounds like to me that both of you guys are getting played by the same fiddler. for some reason, that doesn't surprise me these days. it seems all too many times peoples' word doesn't mean squat. it's a shame that's the direction this world is heading in. i really hope that is not the case, and you guys are looking at 2 "different" cars. let me know how things pan out. thanks.
I spoke with Jim today and we are definitely getting played by the same guy. What a shame. Apparently Jim was told by the owner of the car that there was some guy (me) who was willing to pay the $10,500 asking price too easily so he raised the price to $12,000. Then that same guy (me) was too easily going to pay that too. So he told Jim to just come on over with $13k since he was close by and he could have the car that night and he would cancel the deal with me! (This is after he had made the second deal for me at $12,000.) Jim thought this guy was a little shady and I definitely do now after finding out what was going on on the 'other line' while making my deal. I definitely want a TTA but if a hardtop does not come up from a decent honest person I will be very happy buying a t-top version. Thanks for all of the information which has certainly shed some light on this situation. The search begins again....... Hopefully the rest of the turbo community is a bit more honorable.
1987 GN

unfortunately, as you have seen sometimes a bad apple gets into the basket. somebody will still probably still end up dealing with that jerk, but i hope not! a 105k mile t-top just popped up in ga. on the cars for sale section of this board. thats a pretty good deal, but i've seen 30k mile nice cars sell for $10k in this market and i personally would pay a little more for much nicer and much lower mile car. just my $.02. if i can help, let me know.
Hey Bryan i like your 87 Turbo-T on e-bay let me know if the deal falls through i'm looking to add a white T to my list :D

Thanks JIM 215-669-1696 :)

Originally posted by Vsix
Hey Bryan i like your 87 Turbo-T on e-bay let me know if the deal falls through i'm looking to add a white T to my list :D

Thanks JIM 215-669-1696 :)

since there is no reserve on the car, hopefully it won't fall through, but you never know. fortunately, all of my past ebay auctions have completed without a hitch, that's why i make the terms and conditions so clear. i don't want to have any problems or misunderstandings. if you have any questions or would like to bid, please give me a call at 804-897-7578 and i'll be happy to discuss the car with you and answer any question you have. i assure you that the car will be exactly what we discuss. i don't like going on wild goose chases and wouldn't send anyone on one.
I am the owner of the said hardtop in question. Let me first set the record straight. I originally set my asking price at 10500 before knowing the actual cost of the most recent repairs. I never expected any replys to my ad. After finding out the cost of the repairs, I realized that 10500 was not enough money to make my time worthwhile. It would have been like selling my car for 8000. So I raised my price on another classified site. When the buyer from Mass. inquired about the car, I assumed that he had seen the car on the ad for 12000. Once realizing that it was possible that he could have seen the car on the old ad, I immediately call him back and apologized for the confusion and would understand if he wasn't interested. Well he said that 12K was ok and that he would come and look, to potentially buy, the car on that Saturday. Meanwhile that night, I stumbled upon this sight, and I saw that someone in PA was looking for a hardtop. I emailed that person saying that I had a deal in the works for 12K. If he really wanted it, he would have to make an offer over 13K b/c at a price of anything less, I would sell it to the person in Mass. The next day I call the person in Mass, and told him that I decided not to sell my car. I just had second thoughts and realized that I don't need the money. Keep in mind, I did not hear from the person in PA, and the only influence to keep the car came from myself, not by any potential higher bidders. Even if I decided to sell it to the highest bidder, would that be wrong? Well needless to say, I am out of the used car business, the hardtop is now going into storage for the next 3 years. The zo6 has been ordered. Good luck to you guys with the car search.
There is nothing wrong with selling to the highes bidder. If an auction is what you like you should have listed your car on ebay. I honestly believed you 100% that you had made the said repairs and that $12k was your real price, not $10,500. You are certainly not telling the truth in saying that I was coming to 'potentially buy' as you know I recorded all of the pertinent information and had a cashier's check cut in your mother's name with the vin# on it to purchase the vehicle. I really do not want to get into a pissing match with you on the internet here. When I give my word I follow through and I assumed other people would too. I grew very attached to some cars I have had over the years and I had difficulty letting them go as well (I had a few sleepless nights too). You backing out on the deal is no problem at all. What I find upsetting is that in your post you admit that you were trying to get a few more dollars but just this Saturday when we spoke you said money was not a factor, you just were not ready to let it go yet. Two different stories if you ask me. Just tell the truth to people. If you said you wanted more $$ I would have paid more $$, plain and simple. Good luck to you. I hope you enjoy the Z06. One of my buddies got one and loves it as much as his GN.
Sorry to take up so much space guys.
I never said that I was trying to get a little more money out of the car. I aked what was wrong with trying to get the most money selling your car. Everything in this world is for sale, if I had reservations about selling my car, sometimes these feelings can be overcome by offering more money. ie I might not have any reservations at 14K. Obviously money is not an issue b/c I'm not selling my car. But I would be a liar if I told you that if offered 20K for my car right now, I would not sell it. Oh and our sale was still possible b/c you had yet to see the car. Upon seeing/driving the car, you still reserved the right to walk out of our deal, no questions asked. Nothing is 100%. I wish the best of luck to you and your search. Thanks for understanding.