Warning! Downpipes are hot!!!

Vendor Defendor

Out the window
Nov 25, 2002
well to start off the story i am an idiot, well i wont be so harsh on myself, not aware of my enviromental conditions.. i went down to the local speed shop to try and find a valve cover breather for passenger side valve cover..

so i get to the speed shop tell the guy what i need and hes like oh well show me what you need. (we walk out to the car) oh i used to have one of those back in high school.. nice, what year? 88 or 89... riiight... he then asked me if i took the waste gate off... oh boy... i pretty much quit talking about performance parts for this car at that time, and showed him what i needed.. so he asked me to pull it off real quick so he can see how big the diameter of the whole in the valve cover is... so with out thinking i reach down start pulling it off, as i pry it off i touch the downpipe with my left hand for just a couple millaseconds that it took my brain to process that the down pipe was hot, i jumped back and yelpt oh s*** thats hot!.... well i started blowing on it (like that did any good)

well after a couple mintues my hand looked like this... (the picture may be a little big, but just to show how yummy it really is..)


anyways i think i need to wrap the DP in something like McDonalds did there coffee cup, so that way i cant forget that its hot...

HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT... you get the picture...

Yes, hot.

Also, there's lots of stuff spinning around in there, too. Found that out with a stethescope today. Trying to find the cause of my knock. No puss-filled wounds to show for it, though.

Good luck with your 2nd degree burn. That'll smart for a while.

Yea been there, might want to drain that thing, snip off the skin, get some polysporin on it and put a bandage over it.
Wow! Been there done that....:eek:

My burn story goes a little different though.

I just finished putting the duals on my Electra. Had all the pipes good and tight.
Well, went to the parts store, and on my way back, they had the road dug up in an intersection. Needless to say, I took it as slow as possible, but managed to pull off one side when a pavement chunk caught the clamp.
I pulled over to the corner, and tried to move this 4 foot long piece of pipe with a glasspack on it out of the road. Some driver stops right in front of me, honks his horn and yells to get the **** outta the way. So I picked it up with my left hand and threw it to the side of the road. About 5 seconds later, my thumb was burnt and I was hopping around like a madman.
I drove home 20 miles with an open header and an iced down thumb. I treated it once I got home, but it never did heal right, and it still gives me problems:(

man last night i popped it before i turned if for the night... and man.. i must have lost 2 pounds with all the liquid that came out of there :eek:

The mother of all dumb ass burn stories

Was having problems with cooling fan cycling and in the process of trouble shooting disconnected the fan relay. Of course, I neglected to hook it back up. Took a short ride and upon return noted that temperature gauge was pegged. Now, understand that I am in my late 50's and have a fair amount of mechanical experience, but without thinking (brainfart) I pulled the radiator cap. The cap came off with such force that it blew me off my feet. I somehow managed to cover my face with my other hand but instantly I was covered with scalding water from my neck to my belt line. I remember that as much pain as I was suffering while tearing my water soaked tee shirt off, in the back of my mind I was thinking "jeez, I hope nobody (neighbors) saw me do such a dumb ass thing." My chest and arms were so badly burned they turned purple and blistered badly. I sold that GN at a terrific loss back in June of last year and bought another one. I told people that I thought that car had tried to kill me and didn't want it around anymore. Oh, and by the way, the downpipe on that car scored a couple of forearm burns as well.
Neil, I see your girlfriend's foot in the picture...all she's gotta do is kiss it and make it all better for you. :) And while she's in that mode...

See you guys tonight.
Been there done that... brushed my forearm over the DP while listening for knock. :eek: The hair went missing the sh!t hurt for a couple of weeks. Still have some white spots where things are supposed to be.

That pic is nasty. :eek:
I was at Sonic Drive-in one night after a get-together/cruise and one of the honda-kids wanted to see under the hood. Well, mine are all hotairs and the first thing he did was grab the up pipe to check out the braded steel that covers it. I had just shut the car off and opened the hood. His buddies all laughed at him and I think he might still have the pattern on his left hand. It also made a horrible sizzling sound when he grabbed it.
One night I was trying to hook up a speedo cable under the dash of an old chev. I had my butt in the seat with my legs up over the backrest. I hung my trouble light up in the dash as far as I could. I then snaked both arms up through the wires to reach the speedo. At that time I bumped the light and it fell on my face cradled between both arms. OUCH...OUCH...OUCH!!!

When I was little, mom was making divinity, which basically is done by boiling karo syrup. After heating an almost full pot, she realized that the expanding syrup would no longer fit in the pot. She proceeded to ask me to hold a bigger one while she poured the boiling syrup into it. Let's just say that half of my hand looked like your bubble. I still accuse her of doing that on purpose.
BTDT...... About 15 years ago a buddy had a 78 Vette. We were all hanging out at the arcade and he offered to let me take it for a spin. So hop in and zip up and down the highway a couple times. It was a very hot evening in the middle of summer and I was wearing shorts. I go to crawl out of it and completely forgot about the 4" sidepipes...........Yeeeeeoooouuuuch!!!! Right on the back of my calf looking similar to your hand but about the size of a baseball. Oh boy did that ever kill my natural high from a first time driving a Vette:eek:
i pulled the classic burn the leg on my bike the first day i had it. i was all amped after riding for a while, so i wasn't really paying much attention until i noticed a searing pain on my right calf.

and for the record, there's nothing wrong with being burnt ;)
I got a weird one for ya. Was in the shooting range when my buddy had a cartridge wedge between his EYELID and his shooting glasses. He had a horrible looking blister on his eye for a couple days. In our ever sensitive nature, we all pointed and laughed. :)
Shot a chunk of concrete with a 38 revolver and the slug recoshaded back and hit me in the gut , luckily it was winter and I had a heavy jacket on :eek: :D ......I know i spelled that one word wrong