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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2020
Well, whattaya think?
Was Tucker Carlsons "quitting" part of the Dominion settlement?
And FOX will get a big tax deduction for the settlement payout, and a great amount of "sympathy" audience too?
Will Fox order a "brand new in the box" Dominion "voting" machine?
Will they open it on the air? Live?
Will they show how to hack it on a live
Will they counter sue Dominion
for twice as much as the original settlement?
Will they hire Tucker Carlson back at twice the money as he was making?
Will Fox's ratings double?
Tune in next week for the exciting conclusion!
Just the musings of an old cynic!
maybe....or maybe he wanted peace and got out...I would!!!!
island pussy is nice!!!
I heard it was because one of his female producers has brought a discrimination suit against him.

So, he's now been fired from MSNBC, CNN, and FOX.

Glad to hear that girly man Don Lemmon got the ax, too. Fuckin' tool.
Its a loss no matter the reason. I liked watching and now what do we have? Sean is an okay dude, and Laura also okay, but Tucker was a bonus.
I'll miss him, no doubt.

I heard Jesse Waters might get that slot.
Good riddance to lemon.
As far as a discrimination suit goes, a lot of 'em are filed from jealousy, greed, need for attention, or spite...
We will all stay tuned for the outcome, and will miss Tucker. We will just wait and see!
I quit watching fox the night of the 2020 election, they had some c-sucker come out and call Arizona with 20% of the vote in, the fix was in and fox was part of it. Glad Tucker left, looking forward to see what he starts next.
Geez Nigel, why would you say that the AZ election was fixed? We DID have more mail in ballots returned in the last two elections than were mailed out, but that apparently doesn't mean anything, as "investigations" (BTW "investigated" by the demoncrats in charge), turned up nothing! AND the voting machines were inoperative for 3 to 4 hours, but ONLY in Maricopa County, the major bastion of REPUBLICANS, and the demoncrat appointed "judge" refused to extend the polling hours to allow for everyone to vote, but one of the back east states had a similar problem and they extended their hours. And the demoncrats "won" by a thin margin, hmmmmmm....
Our 22 year, we'll loved Sherrif, Joe Arpaio, was narrowly "beaten" by a newbie, unheard of, by an infusion of more than a HALF A MILLION DOLLAR (what could easily be traced) donation from George soros, for a position that pays some $75,000 per year.
No impropriety there...
Our barely "elected" new demoncrat gubbernor has so far since November, vetoed EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN SPONSORED BILL PASSED BY OUR STATE LEGISLATURE!!!!
MORE BILLS IN THE LAST 3 1/2 MONTHS, THAN ANY OTHER GUBBENATOR IN ANY TOTAL 4 YEAR TERM!!!! Yup, and you know where her "donations" came from!
A good starting place for election reform would be not allowing any out of state donations for any city, state or local elections! Then how about capping any single "donation" to FIVE PERCENT OF WHATEVER THE ELECTED POSITION PAYS!
All proposals would be recieved with popular VOTER support, but would never be passed by the "bought and paid for" "elected" officials.
We, as a voting electorate, have been rendered totally inconsequential by corrupt politicians, and their corrupt backers.
Geez Nigel, why would you say that the AZ election was fixed? We DID have more mail in ballots returned in the last two elections than were mailed out, but that apparently doesn't mean anything, as "investigations" (BTW "investigated" by the demoncrats in charge), turned up nothing! AND the voting machines were inoperative for 3 to 4 hours, but ONLY in Maricopa County, the major bastion of REPUBLICANS, and the demoncrat appointed "judge" refused to extend the polling hours to allow for everyone to vote, but one of the back east states had a similar problem and they extended their hours. And the demoncrats "won" by a thin margin, hmmmmmm....
Our 22 year, we'll loved Sherrif, Joe Arpaio, was narrowly "beaten" by a newbie, unheard of, by an infusion of more than a HALF A MILLION DOLLAR (what could easily be traced) donation from George soros, for a position that pays some $75,000 per year.
No impropriety there...
Our barely "elected" new demoncrat gubbernor has so far since November, vetoed EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN SPONSORED BILL PASSED BY OUR STATE LEGISLATURE!!!!
MORE BILLS IN THE LAST 3 1/2 MONTHS, THAN ANY OTHER GUBBENATOR IN ANY TOTAL 4 YEAR TERM!!!! Yup, and you know where her "donations" came from!
A good starting place for election reform would be not allowing any out of state donations for any city, state or local elections! Then how about capping any single "donation" to FIVE PERCENT OF WHATEVER THE ELECTED POSITION PAYS!
All proposals would be recieved with popular VOTER support, but would never be passed by the "bought and paid for" "elected" officials.
We, as a voting electorate, have been rendered totally inconsequential by corrupt politicians, and their corrupt backers.
Crazy stuff. Worst is though, all the dopes ok with this stuff walking around calling others Nazis and fascist when they are text book examples of both.
I quit watching fox the night of the 2020 election, they had some c-sucker come out and call Arizona with 20% of the vote in, the fix was in and fox was part of it. Glad Tucker left, looking forward to see what he starts next.
I cut my cable off 12 years ago. There was nothing worth watching and the legacy media is nothing more than a left wing echo chamber. Trump put the final nail in the legacy media coffin when he called them out as fake news. All one has to do is check the daily views they get and you'll find the numbers are in the toilet. Why? Cuz most have gone to the alt media and independent media to get the uncensored real news.