Waste Gate Solenoid


Active Member
Jun 10, 2005
Can anyone help me understand when looking to control boost electronically how the various wastegate solenoids compare.

Advantages and disadvantages.

For example when looking at a wastegate solenoid by say

General motors

Some of the points of difference may be as follows ;
Reaction time
Naturally open or closed
Flow rate

I write this but I am unsure, so I am looking for as much clarification as possible. With the price points being so different I'd like to be sure about what I am getting into for the Buick.

First off which tuning system are you going to use to try and control the solenoid?


Those three choices are expensive for just the solenoid replacement last time I checked, they work well but cost wise they aren't that great. The GM is somewhat heat sensitive at times, but it's cheap and available everywhere. If your system will let you change the hz then look into a MAC valve (same as the AEM), this will give you the best results out of all of them I've tested. I'll try to dig through some emails and find the hz for all the solenoids that I tested. As well as the NO/NC config.

I am using FAST XFI, kind of waiting to see if they are going to develop a closed loop method.

I agree the three choices listed are expensive, and that is exactly why I am asking the questions I am asking. What is the advantage gained or not gained with the additional cost. I have used the GM unit with my AEM EMS with no ill effects.

Now I want to full understand my options and it looks like the version of fast I have now does not allow for the hz parameters to be changed.

But when we are talking hertz adjustment is this just another way of changing the frequency in other words the timing of the solenoid opening and closing. Would it be the same as duty cycle?