Wastegate Actuators: heavy duty vs super heavy duty


New Member
Jun 3, 2001
I'm thinking about upgrading the stock actuator to help reduce boost creep.

It is my understanding that the difference between the heavy duty and the super heavy duty actuator is that the spring is heavier on the super heavy duty. Right?

I plan to run 26-27 psi 2&3rd at the track. Which one is better?

Is there a down side for the street (18-19 psi) on pump gas?

I had the same question......no replys. Cottons has a heavy duty and a super heavy duty, nobody knows the difference.
Originally posted by squeeze87
I had the same question......no replys. Cottons has a heavy duty and a super heavy duty, nobody knows the difference.
One has more duty than the other one:D All you are talking about is the spring inside them. If you go too far you can't go back sometimes. What I mean is if you want to run 18 PSI on the street and get a super heavy duty spring your lowest setting may be 23 PSI. Know your intended range and spec the spring rating accordingly.
DC: I'd just call Cotton's and talk to Jack. Or, if you go to Buick vs. Mustang at E-Town next weekend you might be able to talk to him in person.

If you had alky and the extra-strength actuator, you could just run 23+psi all the time:eek:

See ya at E-Town??
There are various spring settings available. I believe mine is what's refered to as a heavy duty (15# base spring). The super heavy duty models probably have at least an 18# base spring in them.

But unless you're willing to call Cottans and ask all you'll get here is guesswork and speculation. What's the big problem with calling them and asking?