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Wednesday Night Fun


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"You underestimate the power of the dark side"
Mar 10, 2010
Well this all began last monday when one of my brothers friends texted him saying that he wanted to race me and that he has yet to lose. My initial thought is that this is one of those kids that has the mothers/sisters/twice removed cousin of a friends car that everyone says is so fast, boosted civic, so i said give my kid the number and I'll go from there. A couple of hours later I get a text from the kid and he tells me that he has a 92 talon tsi. From what I hear these mitsu engines can make good power and they are awd but I figured I would take my chances. So we end up meeting a couple of days later at one of the local car meets and we got in 2 races.

So we get there and he asks me about the car and I tell him its just a 6cyl auto, nothing special and he bought it!

First race: from a dig, im running 27lbs with whats in my combo with timing 24/21 and my o2's were a pretty consistent 780's on Bfg's
I launched at about 3-4 psi of the fb and spun a lil that gave him a half car jump but when i hooked, everytime he shifted i kept pulling. I shut it down about 80 and had about 6 lengths on him
Second race: the same result but hooked a lil better so it was a faster death for him

i turn back around and cant wait to see the look on this kids face and immediately he starts screaming that im on the bottle, and that he smelled something (alky prob) so i said here are my keys look where ever you please
needless to say he went home with his tail between his legs:D Maybe one day I can be as good as the great Mean Chicken!! but we all gotta start somewhere:rolleyes:
this weekend i have another one lined up that is an old time ex-friend, that likes to run his mouth too much in a bone stock mazda speed 3 so stay tuned
LOL at Ft. Myers. I was raised in cape coral, back in the early 90s we raced out in north cape at the yukatan (sp?). Do you know if they still race out there? Those were awesome times!