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well... 5.0s are slow.......


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I heart Boost and DRs...
Dec 2, 2009
I did it again out riding around with some friends today in the new ride. Some punk kid in a new 5.0 mustang with his hat sideways pulled up beside me and nodded his head at me and look in front of us. (I got 3 of my high school football buddys in the car with me and the kid has his girl another couple in the backseat)

My car is on 22s and discovered isnt very stock so me and him played around waiting on the light with speakers. The light turned green and we just kinda cruised threw the light and he was hitting the gas jumpen it forward like he wanted to go. My buddys by now done told me to get down on it once and teach him a lesson so I waited till we got away from people and let him have it.

I even gave him the 3 honks and we rolled from 25. I let off at 125 and he was way back behind me. Needless to say he never come back to mess with me again.
Nice kill!!! But man you gotta watch racing with a car load of people! I normally wont give it the go if i got more than one other person in the car with me... cars tend to handle different with an extra 600lbs of football player a$$e$ in in the passenger seats lol!! If im at the street races and i plan on runnin the whole quarter i make even the one front seat passenger get out..I cant beleive im writing this and trust im not tryin to piss in your froot loops but ur a fellow buick bro so i just wanted to tell ya to be careful i guess thats what gettin older does to ya...;)
lol I hear ya man and I know I shouldnt do it, but I had to and it really wasnt much of a drag race.
lol I hear ya man and I know I shouldn't do it, but I had to and it really wasn't much of a drag race.

With all the hype on the internet, I'm sure the guy down the street with the new 5.0 thinks he is all that. No worries he has seen my White car running around town, it won't be long until I get to put the smack-down on him ...LOL
You get ONE Mustang that is fast in an area and suddenly EVERY Mustang in that area thinks they are fast!

Good kill. I wouldn't race with passengers either..but you REALLY proved your point by winning with all that extra weight! lol
Gotta watch out for those new 5.0's as there are already people in the 9's (although heaviliy modified) in street driven vehicles. They are no joke, but a stock one is pretty easy to beat in a modified turbo 6.
I am curious about your suspension that would allow you to run that fast on 22's? How did you know you were doing 125? What turbo etc etc?
I am curious about your suspension that would allow you to run that fast on 22's? How did you know you were doing 125? What turbo etc etc?

Its there and I have been faster then that on them