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OH, OK .......Now I get it
Dec 6, 2018
On my ' 84 TH700-R4 , there is a plastic electrical connector, on the driver side just above the shift linkage, It faces UP ? What Is for ?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks...... Unfortunately , This is in my Jeep CJ5, along with an electronic dash from a '84 Regal GN. When they built this, they did'nt have a wiring or connector anywhere . Maybe Caspers ? It's also possible that she'll run more to spec , if that OEM part is installed ?
Thanks , again for your quick reply.
yep you can always splice in , but John at Caspers is very helpful
Update : John @ Casper's says that it's only used for the 1/4 mile guys to lower RPM's by ~ 250 in 3RD & 4TH. It also helps run the tranny a little cooler at the Track. Say's I don't need it. Thanks