When I was a Dumbkoff 14/15 year old
I had those Neon spray paint cans that I used on my MINI bikes.
Back then in 1973-4-5 bright Orange, Neon Green
had been the rage for colors.
Dad had a set of old skewers that were like heavy swords.
I set up the cans on a 6ft wooden ladder in my yard.
I was throwing them skewers at the cans. After a few attempts
I moved closer & struck one
ZZZZZZZZZZZIT like a rocket the can took off in the air showring paint.
Next can that I hit didn't do so well. Went up against the house
& got all over it.
Dad & Mum was none to pleased. Cost them a whole $45- to have a guy paint the side of house.
That was PRE MTV Jack azz stuff.