What should i get next......???


Mar 28, 2005
ok, im getting close to wanting to tune my gn.

my mods are:
rebuilt motor
rebuilt trans
009 injectors
3" dp
stock headers
a red arm chip (cant remember which one)
3 bar
dutweiler neck ic
hot wired 255 in the tank

right now this car runs strong! i can go to about 18psi before i get knock. im goig to install a PLX wbo2 here sometime this week. i would like to run alky in the near future also.

my question is, what should i get next so i can tune myself???

im assuming i need to get a:

**scanmaster, some kind of better scanner, so i can see if im knocking (what type of software do u use to hook these things up to laptops?)

**voltage booster.. where do get these?

**alky control (in the near future)

any opinions would be greatful! :cool:
scanmaster wont hook up to laptop.

if your getting WB and have a laptop..Id say go for powerlogger.

I dont think many have good opinions about volt boosters, especially if you plan to add alky...

Get your WB, Powerlogger and alky angd youll have a nice little combo there.

Only other thing Id recommend is getting a more modern chip
+3 on the Alky. Try that next, i think you will be happy you did. Next you will be asking us what tires to change the rears too..(Grin..)
ok thanks guys for the replies!

only thing that im kinda confused on is...would i need a scanmaster, if i got the powerlogger???

im assuming no, since the powerlogger is connected to the ecm?? (not sure if i am right on that or not)

im digging the turbo tweek chip right now:biggrin:
I have the PL now. It does not lend it self to a heads up display, however they PL allows you to see the RPM vs Loadiing matrix. Viewing the short trem fuel trim (INTs) and long term (BLTs) is the best way monitor engine operating conditions.

Read up on what these do and how to use them to tune at low and mid loading conditions. You use these indicators to set the minimum blade setting for the IAC, allong with checking the operating health of many other sensors.

Next to an aftermarket EMS system the PL is the goods.
Let me make the assumption here that you are indeed running a turbotweak chip...5.6 or 6.0.

In that case you need the scanmaster to change fuel/ spark and wideband targetting parameters and the PL wont do that for you.As far as the fullthrottle chips? I can't answer that.

You need the scanmaster...period. And don't buy a used older version that won't lend itself to the update chip when the time comes you decide you cannot bear to live without the wideband and powerlogger:D.

EDIT: I see you have 009's and a wideband already. To use wideband correction you'll need to move up to 50lb injectors or bigger....that is if you use the 6.0 TT chip.
Powerlogger is on sale right now. Start with that so you can log your wb and other parameters. The Scanmaster is good because you see what the PL is reading, especially knock. Alky control with a Turbo Tweak chip next. Your injectors are fine with a 44 and alky injection. Right now turn you boost down to 16. What are you using to see knock?
X10 on the alky. Don't need anything fancy. The older style SMC kit works fine too. (not progressive but not as expensive either). You'll wonder how you ever got along without it.
i just installed the plx wideband today!:D

its badass..lol.

i was reading on turbotweaks website that the 6.0 chip requires me to move up to #50 injectors??? do i have to do this??? or can i get him to burn the same chip setup for me 009's?

i have an old scan tool that i use to monitor knock. i have boost at #15 rightnow. anyhigher i i can read its knocking and i can feel it also.

ok thanks on the polwerlogger and scanmaster info. it makes sence now..finally:rolleyes:

ill post up some pics of my plx install. it came out really good!
ok here are some pics of the plx wbo2 installed. i thinkit really came out nice

dont mind my crappy pics lol. they came off my phone:p all i got to do now is sweep the inside out and then im off, looking for some ricers....well.. ill just cruise with my friends then. cause they are ricers:rolleyes:



I spoke to Eric (turbotweak) and he informed me he could burn a 6.0 or SD chip for injectors smaller than 50's however he highly does not recommend this as they can easily max out (running lean) with additional boost.

Thats why I upgraded to 60's (since I have alky and run 23-25psi).
Nice install, and good luck w/ your car!
The 6.0 chip is not absolutely nessasary. It's nice, especially since you have the WB but your chip is adjustable and with alky you can still tune just fine. With the Powerlogger you can refine your tune by having data to review. You can have plenty of fun with your car's current mods for sure.
i have alky now:biggrin:

and a scanmaster 2.1 and turbo tweek chip.

i have the alky set at 4.5, on the knob and the boost is around 21-23 psi.

as far as i can tell i have no knock.. but not 100% sure.:rolleyes:

ok, i dont have the scanmaster installed yet, but the alky and turbo tweek chip is in. i took the car for a drive and it pulls real hard now. the wb02 reads around 10.5 and sometimes its even reads RCH (rich).

can i lower the fuel pressure a little?? its set at 44

I DONT HAVE THE 6.0 CHIP, just so u know..lol

what should i look for when i put the scanmaster in??? can i start playing with timing???

thanks everyone for ur help. the car is really moving now. im hoping to get into the 11's with it.