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WI Probe

New Member
Oct 9, 2002
First of all I just wanted to say that I have bee reading you forum for a while now. I think it's a great forum and there is tons of great info. Now after all the reading I have been doing I have a question for you all.

I am building a '95 Ford Probe GT 2.5L v6. I have forged rods and pistons, cams, ported and polished everything, cryotreated everything. Everyhthing willl be controlled by an SDS standalone engine management system. I had a custom manifold built that a M62 sc(from 3800 GM engine) mounts to. Since the sc mounts directly to the manifold I won't be able to use an intercooler. So, I want to either use propane, water, or alcohol to help things out. Eaton sc's are known to make a lot of heat once they get up in the psi. I would like to get 10-12psi out of it. In either case the injection point will have to be before the supercharger so the water, alchy, or propane will have to flow thought it. Now my thinking is that water would work best because water absorbs the most heat and heat will be my biggest problem. But, on the other hand Propane is a gas and I don't really like the idea of a liquid going through the sc. Even though the water will be a fine mist and probably won't hurt anything.What about alchy? Will it damage the sc?

One other though that I had is that is addition to the water injection(or propane) I could use a small shot of N20, probably a 45-75 shot, to really cool things down. Now once again the N20 would also be shot before the sc, so my thinking is that if I used the N20 it would really cool things down which would further prevent detontation and also act a a power adder at the same time.

What do you guys think would be best for my application?

thanks in advance
There have been, and are people on the board that have used alchy with a super charger. You might try E-Mailing them in case they don't catch your thread. Usally they are more than willing to give you all the details you need.

I posted about an alchy system a guy built for a sc application a month or so ago. If memory serves he tapped the manifold and ran the line to a pressure tank. When the boost hit a predetermined level the check valve on the inlet side of the tank allowed 10 psi in. The outlet of the tank ran to the inlet of the sc. As the boost built up, and the input pressure increased the alchy output delivery increased as well. A nifty system as there were no moving parts (unless you count the check valve) and the volume of alchy increased with boost. As it should. I imagine the output had an anti-siphoning valve in it, as well as a fairly large nozzle. (the nozzle would need to be pretty large to allow enough alchy to get out since it was only being pushed by 7-13 psi..)

I assume atomization of the alchy mix was accomplished by the charge running through the super charger.

Sorry I don't have time to find the link to the article right now. Maybe someone else remembers it?
I wasn't able to find the post. Could someone else help me out? Thanks for all the info so far.
Isn't there some way you can tap into your custom intake manifold for nozzles (water/alky or NOS)? From everything I've read it's MUCH more effective to cool the air after it's been heated than before.
There's isn't a place that I could tap into that I feel would equally diperse the H20/alchy
A lot of GTP guys use water injection (Aquamist). I know of one who was trying to run 19psi through a stock SC:eek: .

I believe he was injecting immediately after the throttle body. Check with some of those guys and see if the water/alky has caused any durability problems.

I think you would really like propane, that is the direction I would go in your situation
The reason I was thinking of going with water/alchy injection is because it has a greater cooling affect than propane. Don't you think?