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Whats up with this censorship???WTF?


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Drunk? I'll Check. :)
Nov 19, 2002
Ok, I am seeing allot more censoring out there when referring people to look at other boards.. I saw a reference and the was replaced with ********.. Example:
Go to ****************
.. Friends, Romans, Moderators wtf is up with this? If you are in fact **** out the links then I would have to ask why do you have banners pointing to other sites like or t6p? This would appear a paid vs non paying referral..

What is the harm to share other links? I thought these sites were for colaboration....????

In any event, if I am incorrect on the censorship peice of things forgive me and fix the **** issue.
It's because Bruce and Mike can't get along. Simple as that.
It's a solution to a problem in someone's mind. It seems that the management of this site is so filled with hate towards another site that you and I are not even allowed to type the name within their forums. It seems rather silly to me, but hey, their rules in their house I suppose.
The other site (the one that gets deleted) does not do this towards this site.....someone needs to grow up a little.:rolleyes:
It's a solution to a problem in someone's mind. It seems that the management of this site is so filled with hate towards another site that you and I are not even allowed to type the name within their forums. It seems rather silly to me, but hey, their rules in their house I suppose.


Yeah but still, the one that I saw and was pissed about was a referral to another site that was handling the hybrid or a conversion which had some guys contact info apparently. I think it is kinda BS.. Like my first post this site is for colaboration which this communication is part of..

Oh well, guess I will find another site to "colab" at.
Seems like everyone "knows" the answer to the original question? However, none of them are correct.

A while back, someone, NOT ******** owner, was posting [or trying] under that username. The filters were then set up to not allow this specific name used. There are also other words and phrases set in the fillters.

Sorry you cannot link that site direct, but use another symbol or name if you want to.

Your comments about this are more "silly" than the way the board is run. [This is my PERSONAL comment, not the "administrations!]
Mine too!!

Originally posted by Nick Micale
Seems like everyone "knows" the answer to the original question? However, none of them are correct.

A while back, someone, NOT ******** owner, was posting [or trying] under that username. The filters were then set up to not allow this specific name used. There are also other words and phrases set in the fillters.

Sorry you cannot link that site direct, but use another symbol or name if you want to.

Your comments about this are more "silly" than the way the board is run. [This is my PERSONAL comment, not the "administrations!]

My reply was PERSONAL too!!!:D Have a nice day as a person!!;)
I hope your day as "administrator" is better than Paul Bremmers!!

Say "hey" to Terri... :cool:
Originally posted by Nick Micale
Seems like everyone "knows" the answer to the original question? However, none of them are correct.

A while back, someone, NOT ******** owner, was posting [or trying] under that username. The filters were then set up to not allow this specific name used. There are also other words and phrases set in the fillters.

Sorry you cannot link that site direct, but use another symbol or name if you want to.

Your comments about this are more "silly" than the way the board is run. [This is my PERSONAL comment, not the "administrations!]

If you just block that username from posting then everything will be ok. You don't need to filter usernames :confused: Seems like a backwards way of doing things or maybe you're just killing 2 birds with 1 stone ;)
Originally posted by Nick Micale
A while back, someone, NOT ******** owner, was posting [or trying] under that username. The filters were then set up to not allow this specific name used. There are also other words and phrases set in the fillters.

For Real? You have to do all of that just to block a username from being used? I tend to stick to simple solutions so wouldn't it have worked better to just ban that user? :confused:
I didn't like this at first, but now I'm pissed off. I'm trying to post some info for our Buick Club (MAGNA - Mid Atlantic Grand National Association) monthly meeting, with a link pointing to our forum on

The URL gets edited because the site name is censored :mad:

I've been a member of this site the beginning, and what's been happening lately is really sending it downhill.

I've edited my original post above because some of my comments may have been taken the wrong way. I should have choosen them better, and acted more professionally. My words were NOT personally directed at Nick. Instead I was talking to the site admin as a whole.

However, I still am upset about what's been going on here and how things seem to have been run lately. I've been coming here since the beginning and have NEVER seen anything like this.

I thought this site was started to share our knowledge and experience amongst us all. Now what's it about? Money? It sure doesn't seem that it's about free speech much any more. I hope that can change. I've learned a lot about Buicks from this site, and met a lot of great people because of it. I hope things can be turned around and that other people... new members... new Buick owners... can experience what I did... learn what I learned.

Something's gotta change. Hopefully for the better.

Banning Cohen