locking convertor
This has been my experience---I used to lock with a manual switch before leaving the line. So it would lock once shifted to second, and that worked fine with my old convertor as my car was a mid 12 second at that time. After finnaly using up that con. I bought a Precision Industries multi dics. Their suggestion is to lock at the top of a gear, just before it shifts as all the parts are rotating at close to the same speed. Red Armstrong has been very helpful in tailoring my chip. He uses the torque convertor lock signal to lock the con. and at the same time pull out some timing. My original chip was locking at 84 MPH, this was too soon. My RPMs would drop too far and the eng. was sluggish for a while until it climbed out of it. I have always thought my car would run quicker locking as soon as it goes into second, but afraid to try it now. My car shifts 1-2 at 5700-5800, 2-3 5700 5800, when it reaches 5400 in 3rd the con. locks (90 MPH) RPMs drop to 4800-4900 and then climbs back to 5700-5800 through the traps as I hold it in manual 3rd. Hope this is the info you are looking for. This is my 3rd season on this con. with no trouble YET.
This is what works for. Maybe a better way, if so I/m open to suggestions.