These arn't easy to find.. I called every junkyard in the city and found a yard that had 2 sets! wow, I raced there. and asked for a set. You could not go out in the yard there, they get the parts for you. .. In walks th eguy with a set of steelies.. umm. They are not aluminum I say. 'Yes they are".. ok. Let me see your other set. In he comes again with nother set of steels. Um.. they are not aluminum I say. "yes they are" says he.
I leave..
I go to a u pick it yard in south Jersey and walk around looking at every g body, F body and S truck. Nothing.. Musta looked at 20 cars.. One last car. A 78 Monte.. And th ewheels are still on. Great. I search for a lug wrench and finally find one and get off the rusted on lug nuts.. SUCESS!! Aluminum! I pull the other wheel after much grunting and growning trying to get off the rusty lug nuts.
THEN, after 45 mintutes and using a BIG screwdrive, I had the same problem as lee. The damn shoes were adjusted all the way out and REFUSED to let go of the aluminum drums
Aftr I almost bent the backing plates about a 30 degree angle back trying to get the damn drums off I gave up..
I put the wheels back on to try to hide then from Lee
I then go home and ask the board what I should do and someone suggest JC whitney has a drum puller. They do and I overnight it to me.. The overnite cost was almost as much as the puller
. I take off work and go back.. Good, its still here.
I install the puller and the drums come right off. Amazing what the right tools can do
In the whole yard, only one set. The best part of this story is that I only paid $20 a pair
A friend turned and sand blasted em for free for me and now im happy. Let me tell ya, these are NOT easy to find..