where to put my tranny/engine oil coolers?

Turbo Brian

What do I type here?
May 24, 2001
im replacing my stock radiator with an autozone f-body rad. so i got a couple coolers for the tranny and engine oil. which leads me to location. original plan was both in front of the condensor, but.....

im kinda perplexed. now that i have both coolers in my hand and have gotten into the car to see what im working with, i dont know that i want to put both coolers in front of the condensor. they take up a lot of surface area. tranny is definitely going in front. ive already worked up some bracketry for that one. just not sure where a good place to put the oil is. would it be ok to have both up there in front? the tranny one is on the pass side up and down. if i put the oil on the opposite side up and down will i still have enough open surface area to keep the condensor and radiator from getting too hot? if i did that i'd still have two hoses running in front as well. my second thought is maybe put the oil on the pass side between the cond and rad. but then the pass side has 4 things for air to go through. that might be bad too.

thoughts? im still using the stock singe fan setup too if that matters.
Under the battery near the air dam is good for the oil cooler -- plenty of space. Get a little fan for it too if you like, but there is pretty good air flow under there.