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Where you guys mounting the propane jet?


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Where are you guys mounting your jets? how many inches is it from the throttle body?

If you have a BOV, try not to mount it before it unless you like to smell propane when you shift.
What I was wondering is would it be beneficial by cooling the intercooler down a little by inj pre-IC,or is that negligible? I just did'nt want to put it after the cooler, and then find out everyone is geting better results with it before the cooler.
Originally posted by 87gn-newbee
Mines about 7" thinking of moving back a little further.

Why do you think that, do you think you didn't get a good enough mix? I believe the propane gas come out at 60-100 differential pressure and it should mix pretty well into the air stream.

Mine is about 3 ft away and it's pretty bad because the pipes are saturated with it when I let off (BOV vented in) the propane has nowhere to go so it comes out the air filter. I definitely need to locate it closer to the TB.
No real reason I was just thinking most of the testing was done about 12-15" in or so and that would be best but I just sent Jay some pics of my set up and he said it's fine so it's staying where it is.
Originally posted by TurboBuickSix
What I was wondering is would it be beneficial by cooling the intercooler down a little by inj pre-IC,or is that negligible? I just did'nt want to put it after the cooler, and then find out everyone is geting better results with it before the cooler.

EclipseTurbo and I have both done temperature testing using two different methodologies and neither of us found particularly significant cooling effects. Thus, pre IC will not really help the IC do its job. But, earlier injection could theoretically give the propane more time to mix allowing a more homogenous mixture, and contributing to propane's apparent tendency to enhance even distribution of the A/F mix in the chamber, reducing rich A/F concentrations which lead to hot spots and hence detonation. Just my .02. :) BTW, I inject preturbo, which maximizes mixing.

Another thing I was just thinking about when I was reading Joe's response was if the IC hose popps off due to the high boost levels, then if I have it pre-turbo or pre IC could it be a fire hazzard if it were to pop when full of propane?? For this reason I will prolly just put it aft the cooler in the hose before the uppipe as recommended.It may still pop but maybe less propane volume to worry about.Good thing about this is once the hose pops it will cut the boost which will in turn cut the propane off.Or maybe I'm being too over-cautious?
Originally posted by TurboBuickSix
Another thing I was just thinking about when I was reading Joe's response was if the IC hose popps off due to the high boost levels, then if I have it pre-turbo or pre IC could it be a fire hazzard if it were to pop when full of propane?? For this reason I will prolly just put it aft the cooler in the hose before the uppipe as recommended.It may still pop but maybe less propane volume to worry about.Good thing about this is once the hose pops it will cut the boost which will in turn cut the propane off.Or maybe I'm being too over-cautious?

I agree theoretically that is a concern. I run my hose clamps very tight, and I don't boost over 22 psi. If I ran 25+ and had hose clamp problems, I would be worried. BTW, the air in the intake tract seems to move very quickly per my experience with quick affect of propane injected preturbo at no boost. The car bogs instantly when propane is toggled on in that scenario, meaning the propane has moved through the intake tract very rapidly.

It seems that if the hose pops any propane after the pop will be moving fast enough to be pulled into the cylinders. The issue will be any propane before the pop. I have a solenoid at the point of injection, eliminating the line purging delay affect, so as soon as boost drops the solenoid closes immediately, preventing further propane leakage.

Bottom line, if you run propane, all hoses need to be very tight, and the metal piping needs to be properly beaded, and use heavy duty clamps, maybe something besides the standard parts store hose clamps.

Hmm I don't think that it will really happen, when you really blow a hose off (hmm what are you doing with propane injection when your piping system isn't even secure enough anyway? ;) ) The boost will be cut and the propane will be cut.

The propane that is now inside the engine bay, could it be ignited by the hottest thing there, which is the exhaust manifold? Not sure. Maybe someone can try to lit a torch with it to try.

Even so the propane needs to be concentrated enough.. I doubt it is a concern.

BTW I'm in the process of relocating my jet to about 9" from TB, hopefully to get rid of the shifting smell problem!
Propane ignites at between 900-1020*F, which is far cooler than EGT's. The question is, does the red hot Turbine Housing approach 900*? Not sure, Bruce do you know?

Propane has a flammability range of between 2.5% and 9.5%. I can see such a % occuring underhood with a hose pop off....
