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"You have a vacuum leak?"
Oct 20, 2001
Why is it when u are not driving around in the death machine that you see all kinds of portable meat that need to be put in their place, then when u are driving the death machine you see nothing but moms driving SUVs. Well i guess i have to post a kill and i have one to share. My father went to the local gas station to fill up a bottle of gasoline so that i could finish mowing the lawn before my mother comes home and rips my head off for not having it done. While he is driving to it a ram air firebird is behind him and decides to pull in the same gas station. He parks next to the enterance of the gas station and doesnt even get gas just idles waiting for my father to leave. My father notices this and the exit onto the road when there is plenty of space to get the job done. My father pulls into the inner lane and lets the firebird go to the outside, he also lets the firebird slam on her to make sure its game on. My dad pulls the firebird by 3 car lengths and the firebird wont even catch up to my father so that he can take that lose like a man. My dad continues to keep driving past the turn to my house and notices that a 455 buick saw the whole act and is willing to get into the mix too. The light ahead turns red and they both nod to each other that its game on. The light turns green and my dad leaves with no wheel spin and easily takes the 455. The 455 gives my father a good run nod and they go their seperate ways. NOW HOW COME I NEVER GET THAT KINDA ACTION.
So your dad likes to beat on your car too ....Huh . I keep telling my dad to get one of his own.
It always seems to happen that way I went out yesterday morning to get some stuff for breakfast. I was driving the wifes Sunfire gt ( not the fastest thing ever built but fun) and I notice a BMW MCoupe (you know the pregnant rollerskate) so I floor it to catch up when I pull along side I throw a rev and look over and it's about a 60 year old woman complete with blue hair and librarian glasses she just looks over like I'm crazy and putts down the road like it's Cadillac FLeetwood not a performance car. They say youth is wasted on the young I say money is wasted on the old. It's ok though the GN will be up and running soon enough;)
$$ wasted on the OLD??

If you think money's wasted on the old.. Come on down to my neck of the woods...:D . There's SEVERAL of us "old farts" in the Atl BUICK club that will be MOST happy to give a lesson in "respect for the elderly", and I'm 1 of them!!!;) ;) J/K

I just tell'em, "This IS grandpa's BUICK, and I AM gonna kick your a$$!!. One of the nice things bout having been young and having had the opportunity to "know everything", is the fact that "cunning and treachery" are much better attributes than youth and "knowledge"...:D :D :D [A bit of "disposable" income helps too!!]

Re: $$ wasted on the OLD??

Originally posted by Chuck Leeper
If you think money's wasted on the old.. Come on down to my neck of the woods...:D . There's SEVERAL of us "old farts" in the Atl BUICK club that will be MOST happy to give a lesson in "respect for the elderly", and I'm 1 of them!!!;) ;) J/K

I just tell'em, "This IS grandpa's BUICK, and I AM gonna kick your a$$!!. One of the nice things bout having been young and having had the opportunity to "know everything", is the fact that "cunning and treachery" are much better attributes than youth and "knowledge"...:D :D :D [A bit of "disposable" income helps too!!]


Cool deal Chuck nothing meant by the age comment. I'm 27 but keep in mind I drive grandpa's Buick too:D I definetly have respect for the elderly as you put it my dad drives a 66 chevyII in the Gear Jammers Association ( all stick shift cars) and he leaves with the back bumpert dragging thru 2nd which is a little more than I want to do( just something about staring at clouds during a run) I finally have a little money and could have bought a vette or Porsche but I chose a real sleeper instead. I go to Atlanta once a year to visit friends I'd love to meet up with you guys :)
I sat for 30 minutes

Just sitting in a local parking lot with my blinker on waiting, for something, anything, finally got to beat up a new mustang. Am I getting desperate? Does the Betty Ford Clinic treat this? - BB
Old ppl that are into actually driving perf cars like they were supposed to be driven are cool in my book.

Some of the fondest memories I have are of my grandad "smoke'n em" when I was a kid in his Nova SS 4spd. He's prolly the reason Ive been a car guy since the age of ~12.

THE coolest thing, though, is the memories of grandma leaving church on Sundays with my little sis and I in the back seat of that same Nova and getting "scratch" on the 1-2 shift. LOL.. She would swear us to secrecy about that but we always blabbed about it and grandad would just smile and say "thats my girl".

I'll have to tell how grandad flipped his Nash Metropolitan racing grandma home (they worked in the same town but at diff factories) on a bet of the loser had to do the house work for a week. It happened many years before I was even hatched but it ALWAYS came up at family get togeathers. I'll save that for a day when Im bored or feel like wasting time on the net. ;)
buick beggeiner...ur not desperate...Im known to do similiar things :rolleyes:

as for the grandpa has a 68 barracuda w/ a 360 bored 30 over, forger pistons, crank, 2.02 opened up heads, demon 750 carb, dual plane manifold....ya know...the usual mopar takin it for its first drive in like 7 years this summer...cant wait :D
Can relate

Never seems to fail me either, always have the wrong car at the wrong time. Speaking of elderly... Was coming back from dynoing the car, car was of course set on kill mode. Just got on the freeway in LA and a red Ferrari was infront of me. Got a little closer, it was a 512 TR, eargerly pulled up a long side seeing what I could intice. Driving- a white haired man, shotgun- his white haired wife. Doubt a day under 70, very cool. To bad he got off at the next exit, I still was gonna try to get him to exercise that right foot :D, white hair or not.
Hey Chuck.

Noitced your sig. 12.40 @133. WTF? I thought my 13.3@108 was a big mismatch between time and speed, but yours is ridiculous.
NO $HIT, I noticed it too, look at my sig and see mine, still not that bad though. Explain WTF happened
Heheheh....Chuck has a few mods on Black Bart, but the mph is right. He's been fighting a serious traction issue...that and with no roll bar he had to launch kinda easy to stay outta that dreaded 11 sec zone. However...I think a legal bar is going in as we speak......Care to comment on that Chuck? How is BB coming along?