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Why the hell cant any of you live closer to me!!!!!!!!!!


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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2004
Seriously WTF???????? Ok guys, I'll admit this is another one of Jeremy's "I'm a little sauced up" threads and the alcohol is starting to affect my brain! BUT, DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need some help over here in Eastern Iowa and theres NOBODY!! I guess I got Jay Jackson but I know he has his family and I dont want to bother him too much. I'm drinking beer all by myself and wrenching on the cars, this is BULL SH*T!!!!!! I must not be cool enough!:biggrin: Well, time to crack open this new bottle of Crown! ------Jeremy:D

Damn I love this weather!
Seriously WTF???????? Ok guys, I'll admit this is another one of Jeremy's "I'm a little sauced up" threads and the alcohol is starting to affect my brain! BUT, DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need some help over here in Eastern Iowa and theres NOBODY!! I guess I got Jay Jackson but I know he has his family and I dont want to bother him too much. I'm drinking beer all by myself and wrenching on the cars, this is BULL SH*T!!!!!! I must not be cool enough!:biggrin: Well, time to crack open this new bottle of Crown! ------Jeremy:D

Damn I love this weather!

CROWN:biggrin: I have a salesmen of mine staying in Fairfield tonight and Cedar Rapids tomorrow night. He doesn't know sheet about TR though LOL:biggrin:

If I ever come work with him I will PM you:cool:
Ha! You should, I'm really tired of drinking by myself! My buddies just dont know cars------ Bunch of Nerds!
ha! i have the same problem. my buddy that i used to drink and wrench with at night recently developed a drug problem and has become a bumm. everytime we go out he has no money. my girl and the rest of my friends aren't into cars. sucks.
Nick, dude I'm at this chicks house (Mindi)right now!!! For some reason I decided to drive all the way over to Coyne Center IL!! She's leaving for Vegas at 5am and she said she was going to miss me!

Funny thing is, I still had to get online and check up on my pals!! She hates it!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
I live in Chicago around a lot of other Buick guys and I still work on my car alone, so don't feel bad lol.
I dont deal with many guys at all, got one close friend. He is over alot, but i do lot of my work alone, unless you count the kids running around breaking sh*&t.
I hear ya, I will taking fenders and doors off by myself today to get ready for paint on my Limited. It would be so much nicer to get a little help! For some reason though, I do seem to still get 'er done!
Trust me Jeremy you wouldnt want me to live by you alll we would be doing is getting drunk and complaining about our cars.

I just complain when people drop bolts down the front cover. By the way when you comin over to change my fuel injector o ring..haha
where the hell is Coyne Center Il ??? Doesnt matter, hope you took care of business first:eek: If your in Davenport your not to far away. Theres a few of us here just south of Rockford.... Roadtrip anyone :cool:
Well, Coyne Center is a little tiny town north of Aledo! I was planning on "taking care of business but I decided to fall asleep first!!!" By the way, here is a picture of her!

I love this picture!!!!!


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Dude, when you say fell asleep first, you ment after you were done, then you fell asleep before here right? :D I love that picture too...
Nope, just straight up fell asleep while she was packing to go to Vegas! Thats what happens when you work all day and then start in on the beers and Crown!!! Thats ok though, she'll be back soon! I think she would look great standing next to the GN, what do you guys think?