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turbo nasty

Turbo Dojo / MNTR
Jul 19, 2001
The wife was out yesterday with my 87 and raced a few folks.
When she returned to the house,
I asked her what kinda of cars and she was going to say a wimpy import and it came out wimport, I fell out laughing.

Wimpy + Import = Wimport :D

A brain fart of 2 words and walla a nice little raaz for the import folks.
When my wife drives the GN by herself, she says no one will run her. I guess they think she doesn't know what she's doing:rolleyes: But she does!!:D
Yeah she ags em on. She even says wanna run, come on, etc. Talks trash

Our 86 GN is for her, It is a project ...gotta fix some rust and some drivetrain work then she will have her own GN.
She is excited.