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wiring and vacuum diagram for an 85 HA gn


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You must be a newcomer. All the information you need is is already posted on this board-Sticky-Basic Hot Air Info. Have a fun time. Brad
oh shoot
sorry about that. I got my wisdom teeth pulled yesterday and the hydrocodone has got me a little funny.
oh shoot
sorry about that. I got my wisdom teeth pulled yesterday and the hydrocodone has got me a little funny.

No apolgies are necessary. I have been in your situation and everybody helped me. In the end it is worth it. Everytime I take my car out for 30 minutes- 3 stares, 3 thumbs up and today trashed a BMW. I have achieved my goals and my car looks bad, sounds bad and is fast. Stay with it because in two weeks the new fast and furios movie will let the cat out of the bag. Take care- Brad