Wish me luck all!!!


New Member
Jul 14, 2001
Wish me luck. Tomorrow I go for a cat scan tosee if my other blood spot isgone. Then i go for 8 hrs of testing to see if got any brain damage. Its a lot for one person to take in ya know. It scares me cause I haven't healed the whole way yet I still have about two more weeks off and my eye sight throws me a curve. I have to. Talk to you all later

Wish me luck and keep in your thoughts
I know they can fix anything but my accident was stpaticks day and i been home bbound and screwwed up since then. LOL. I am to go back to college in january if i get my upper body muscle back. I am going for automotive technology
Do not say you're going in to be fixed. I once took my dog in to be fixed...and forever after the other dogs made fun of him. I can't repeat the insults here.

Hmmmm, sure I can....

The mean neighborhood dogs said ....He now walked higher in the rear....less weight you know.

Plus they used to ask him things like....
Hey, wanna play ball?
What does the word "cajones" mean?
Do you still bring sack lunches?
Does your tongue smack your nose now since nothing stops it?

Plus I missed him "hugging" my leg. :D


We wish you the best of luck....and you know we're all pullin' for ya.
I will find out tonight about the cat scan. they moved my apt. I go for the neuro testing next week. It scares me cause I don't feel right

I spasm and my hand shakes

i went from beautiful to an old hag

its just part of my head injuries is I lost my short term memory. The past three months. I relived some of it in rehab and it wasn't fun.

Such as justa6 and I breaking up

9she was a friend of mine)

Oh well

they got closer the last month and I got to lay unconsious in a hospital bed.

I am glad my accident accord at a convenent time.
It will turn out ok. It's just going to take some time and a determined attitude! Fight for it and be determined to get over it fast!

Best wishes!

I HAD MY CAT SCAN DONE at 6 last night at geisinger hospital.

The guy who did the cat scan said "its your decision" and i was like what?

Here the one blood spot was not asdark but much much larger then before!!!. I was to either wait 2 hrs till someone got there then get admitted for a brain shunt and drainage!!!!!

I said you need dr labi's apporval ccause she is my rehab dr and case manager and i see her monday. we wil wait!!!!

Wish me luck all

Long road ahead still!!!!!!
Thinking of you and praying for ya!

Geez you think your doctor could make a special visit for ya at such an important time?

I hope everything is all right with you on Monday. :)