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witch alky kit ??


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New Member
Jul 13, 2003
I would like to know what alcohol kits I could get for around $200-$300
If applicable please post websites
thanx in advance,
Alex :cool:
Stevemon has a site chock full of info on how to build a DIY system for less than that.

Hopefully he'll chime in, but in the mean time: search for DIY ... u'll find LOTS and LOTS of posts regarding it.
Check out Razor's site. For a bit under 300 looks like you could put together a basic system, with an electronic controller for turn on, and pump speed. Oh yea, word is the pump is the best out there... methanol won't kill it!!
Thanks Mike .. web site is still under construction.. have a bunch of pictures and stuff to add.. just havent had the time.

Stevemon's site is also the industry leader :) for info on a system.