woo Hoooo !! Got my TTA


New Member
Aug 2, 2005
well, after trying 2 wheel and deal with some people here and a few others in other forums.....I finaly got what I wanted...a sweet one at that....it seemed that more people were price fishing ...bottom line...thanks anyways..





that says just a bit over 1,000 miles...xtra clean
.....BUT be warned ...in 2 months I will be ready 2 buy another one..maybe two


few more...man is this thing fast...and X-tra -extremely clean


made it home with no speeding tickets...I deserved a few...


dont mind me guys/gals...but I'm a little high with my new TTA purchase...I cant find a single scratch or chip ..underneath is brand new-brand new...interior same
wow! that one looks nice!!! and only 1000 miles?!?!!?! wow! that must have been tough to find in that shape... i'm afraid to ask a ballpark as to what you paid for it...

any problems with a car that old with that few miles? i'd be worried about hoses and seals and stuff....

congrats!!!! nice car!
no leaks.....yet..

price...just a tiny bit more than what somebody here was selling their garage queen for....i offered what they wanted but they didnt bite..anways I did much better ....

I shouldnt sound cocky....who knows I might by theirs anyway....lol
Congrats on your car! Very nice! Got it for a nice price. Mine has 28K on it and it was recently appraised for $28,000 These cars are going to climb thru the roof in the comming years. Just keep the miles low (but do drive it to keep it fresh) and keep it stock and you'll always be happy! :) Make sure you register it on turbotransam.com as well! Do you know the build number?
Did you pick it up in Abingdon, VA and drive it home from their? If so that is a long distance to try to behave in! Good job and enjoy. Nothing like boost. I have big cube engines in my older T/As and it is not the same feeling! :biggrin:

- Dave
Screw keeping it stock

Screw low miles

Build it up, have some fun and drive it like it was built for.

Before I die, if I ever have the means, I plan on buying all the low mile cars I can just for the sake of leaving the original owners place sideways when I take it :)

Drive it, live it, enjoy it

Edit: When I get my car running, all of us Chicago area boys really need to get together at least once. Sure is enough of us now.

thanks guys..

we met at Kruse car sow in Auburn ,indiana....just a 170 mile drive for me...and 170 extra on the odometer....I had a uhaul trailer reserved ..but they screwed me ..never agian uhaul....lol

no mods on this one....I will buy your modded out one...lol

I have been underneath my car since 6:30 in the morning...I impressed
That is awsom rex!!! Good things come to people who wait. I looked at 4-5 different TTAs before i got mine with 400 miles on it. The funny thing was that I found the car in Pontiac Illinois about 3 hrs from chicago. How weird is that!!!

Take some photos of the undercarage and and engine. Love looking at how clean these cars are and how old they are. Cant wait to get AV plates here in illinois.

Oh and get your info over to turbotransam.com

Oh and anyone know how to clean the carbon form the exhaust on the undercarrage? This is from having the dump open..
Chrisk...av plates..??

how old dose it have 2 be...?? isnt it 25 years??

I plan on just titeling and insuring it and let it hibernate in garage till the flowers bloom...lol...and of course I will put a couch in the garage so I can just sit there and stare at it....(the wife is jealous) :D
I thought the AV plates was 20years?

rex362 said:
Chrisk...av plates..??

how old dose it have 2 be...?? isnt it 25 years??

I plan on just titeling and insuring it and let it hibernate in garage till the flowers bloom...lol...and of course I will put a couch in the garage so I can just sit there and stare at it....(the wife is jealous) :D